Finish This…Week #13
I missed last week’s Finish This prompt and made me so upset. I don’t know what happened last week, but I just wasn’t on my blog game like normal. I am rolling right along this week again, so hopefully that stays around again.
Our lovely hosts are the following: Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Airzona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama! Check them out and then play along!
1. I don’t get enough…
There are a few things that come to mind, but I think we’ll go with movement. I probably don’t move around enough each day. There are days where I do good, but for the most part I get so absorbed in working on the computer that I get stuck into that one position. Not good for me, I know.
2. My favorite indulgence…
Again quite a few things come to mind, because I do believe in indulging one self. Think the one thing the most that pops up in my head though is nachos, yes I have said this time and time again, but its true. Its my biggest thing where I know its not great for me, but I have it once a week or so.
3. I made a major change in my life when…
Without a doubt, when we moved here. I was moving somewhere I didn’t know, miles away from my friends and family. Having had lived in Idaho my whole life, it was just a major change. I am just now feeling comfortable and feeling like I have a support system here. We moved here in late 2007. It took a LONG time.
4. You should read…
If you haven’t read, you must read the Little House on the Prairie Series. It’s the one book and series of books I have actually reread, which is very rare for me and must be a great book. The second time around I actually learned so much more then first time. (link is an affiliate link)
5. _____ is my secret ingredient in…
I don’t know that I have an answer for this one. I am not the cook in the family. Nor can I think of an answer that doesn’t involve cooking. Lame I know.