Grabbing Life by it’s Horns
Reading through my facebook friends list this morning, my friend Beverly wrote a big long list of things she’d like out of her life and that here inspired the post!
We all have dreams, desires, goals, and just plain things we want out of life. Writing out even the littlest things we want out of life bring it the surface and allow others to know what you want and maybe even help with those wants.
I encourage you to go and write out yours too. Then share it!
Things I Want Out of My Life/Things That Will Bring Me Happiness
- Have a long happy healthy life with Jason by my side.
- Always having a dog in our house.
- Have enough wood to last all year long that we need it. Never being cold in my own home.
- Always keep learning: piano, web & graphic design (so I could change and tweak my layout whenever I should feel the desire), learn a foreign language (I’d like to learn French, but Spanish would probably be more useful), and learn manual photographing so I may take beautiful amazing photos that people will adore – and whatever else may come along as we go through life.
- Be the Hostess with the Mostest – I want to throw excellent parties and have people come and have a grand time and can’t wait to come again. I want game nights, BBQ’s, backyard bonfires, themed dinner parties and whatever else may float into my head for party.
- I want people that would come to those parties, friends to fill a house with laughter and special memories. I want to go to happy hour and stay for hours with those same people.
- I want group vacations. Renting houses on the beach, renting house in the mountains and many group camping trips.
- I want to be one of those successful bloggers. Where I can proudly say that I earn enough to pay my monthly bills with no worries. Or at least half of them. Steady income.
- I want to have a comfortable retirement with Jason, where we don’t have to worry that we won’t have enough to live comfortably or vacation as we desire.
- I dream about owning a home on the coast somewhere. Weather it be Oregon or Washington.
- I always want to be giving. I always want to give gifts with much thought behind them, knowing I have listened to what others have said they like or dislike.
- In addition ALWAYS listen to others and what they say. Even noting how they act.
- Do the much needed upgrades in our home. Kitchen needs completely redone. Bathroom needs completely redone. We’d like to readjust our bathroom upstairs so we can have a shower up there. Paint the rooms inside the house. Redo all the floors. Make our office nook downstairs. Hopefully build out the basement a tiny bit so we can have windows. Get rid of the oil heat and get some other type, then we can expand out the basement a bit more because of that to build it up. Get a bathroom in the basement, even if its just a toilet and sink. Foundation probably needs redone as well.
- Do much needed outside upgrades. Make a lawn an actual lawn that is soft enough to walk on barefoot. Build a beautiful fruit and vegetable garden where we could eat like kings for months on our growing’s. Have our herbal garden year around so I may always have mint, rosemary and cilantro on hand – plus others. Build a new front porch. Build a back deck, so we may bask in the sun and enjoy BBQ’s back there. Have a fire pit for chilly evenings to spend around it sharing laughter and drinks. A hot tub to soak away our worries and relax our muscles. A swimming pool to cool off on the hot summery days.
- Travel to San Diego, back to New Orleans and San Antonio, visit the Grand Canyon & Yellowstone, finally get to Las Vegas, go to at least one of the Disney Worlds, and go to Hawaii.
- See a dolphin in real life and maybe even swim with one.
- To always make time for pleasure reading.
- Ride horses on the beach.
- Hike the many wonderful amazing trails that our beautiful area offers.
Well there we have it, my list. While it’s probably not my whole life happiness goals/wants/desires, it’s the ones that were off the top of my head!