Makeup Monday – – Quick, Easy and Natural Looking Eyes in 3 Easy Steps

I didn’t have anything in mind for today’s Makeup Monday post, but I wanted to do one because I like a set routine and love my Makeup Monday posts.  I therefore asked my personal facebook on ideas and one was one that would fit in perfectly with my day since I didn’t have plans to really go anywhere but was going to take a shower and put my face on anyway.

I was asked for a quick makeup set.  I decided to add in the natural, cause quite often when you do it quick it’s a very natural look.

I always start with a primer, but didn’t add that in as one of the steps because I figure that is just like cover up, a base to get you started.
Easy as 1, 2, 3 to Natural Looking Eyes

  1. Choose an eye shadow that is light and just a tad of color to it.  This time I went with Elf I had laying around.  Just cover your whole eyelid with that and your good with it.
  2. Next add in a simple line of eyeliner to your eyes – I went with the Rimmel ScandalEyes in brown.  Smudge as needed.
  3. Last add a good coat of mascara to both eyes – my favorite mascara right now They’re Real by Benefit.
  4. Presto, you now have nice put together eye makeup without much effort on your part.

Easy & Natural Looking Eyes in 1, 2, 3
What kind of posts would you like to see for my Makeup Monday’s?  I’d love to have some already scheduled out so there isn’t any hassle on my  part and I still get my set routine. 

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