Catch the Moment 365 for 2014 – Week 24
Catch the Moment 365 for 2014 was the idea of Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming our wonderful hosts that are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group. If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at any time in the year and see what you can do!
This week was pretty boring and mellow with not a lot going on to take photos of. With the weather outside not super great either, so you’ll see quite a bit of Roxy this week – especially since I missed the past couple Wordless Wednesday which I try to be the focus there is of her.
Day 162 – My sweet baby girl all curled up in her bed. I love that she loves her high bed so much, that most evenings that is where she ventures to.
Day 163 – Roxy, not so patiently, waiting for Daddy to get home. He had to work late and she didn’t like that he wasn’t home when it was dark out.
Day 164 – Cookbook I ordered from Amazon earlier in the week. I already did fairly well on a low sodium diet, but this will be even more helpful I think! Most of the next couple weeks meal plan is right from this book. Was super excited it even had vegetarian recipes in it as well.
Day 165 – My back has been hurting me on and off the last week so I was using the heating pad and look who stole it when I got up.
Day 166 – I was so flippin’ excited when this arrived in the mail the other day. I didn’t even know if I’d get it. As part of All You Reality Checkers they are doing a book club and I got it. Lisa Jackson is one of my all time favorite authors, so I was so excited to dive right in. And this one is set right around here. Which isn’t too surprising since Lisa lives around here too. But still!
Day 167 – We had some major storms on and off all day and so I had to capture the darkness the best I could.
Day 168 – I know that this one is sideways a bit, but…lol I was laying in bed reading and realized oh no I completely forgot a picture. So I grabbed my cell phone and took a photo of the TV. Thankfully it was something kind of interesting on, but then I noticed how uneven it was and I was like oh well, at least its interesting.