Catch the Moment 365 2014 – Week 33 #CatchtheMoment365
Catch the Moment 365 2014 was the idea of Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming our wonderful hosts that are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group. If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at any time in the year and see what you can do!
I am quite late with posting this last week’s photos and I am not even sure why. I know that I wasn’t super impressed with this pats week’s photos and that could have something to do with it. I am just happy though that I keeping up with this challenge and I am enjoying it as much as I am.
Catch the Moment 365 – Week 33
Day 225 – August 13th, Wednesday – I was testing out the Sheer Cover Studio line for a full review, which I ended up loving. I was a bit overwhelmed with just how much was in this kit, so it took me awhile to actually dive in and try it. Check out my full review on it.
Day 226 – August 14th, Thursday – the beautiful sunset I happened to catch as I was cleaning up the kitchen that evening. I knew I had to go out and capture it and was pretty happy with what I ended up with.
Day 227 – August 15th, Friday – Jason ended up playing two games Friday night for soccer. It was a weird gap though and I was already starving so we headed over to Applebee’s in between the two to grab some food. Jason didn’t want to eat much since he was going to play, but I filled my tummy with these yummy potato twisters.
Day 228 – August 16th, Saturday – Sorry for the quality of this picture, I am not sure what happened to it. Its pretty horrible, but its a picture of my yummy dinner which is french bread pizza and I added sun-dried tomatoes and extra cheese. Jason went golfing so I used my weird alone time as a treat day.
Day 229 – August 17th, Sunday – This was my current book. Enchantress by Michael Scott. I just finished this yesterday actually, it was so good. It was the last of a series of books and didn’t disappoint in the least.
Day 230 – August 18th, Monday – When Roxy gets really warm in the evenings, she goes and flops on the hardwood in front of the door somewhere. This was one of those evenings.
Day 231 – August 19th, Tuesday – Jason finally cleaned off the top of our shed. It was one of our tasks to do in and around the house that I decided the only way we are actually going to accomplish them was write up a list and print it out. Now the squirrels dropping the nuts is MUCH louder.