Catch the Moment 365 2014 – Week 41 #CatchtheMoment365

Catch the Moment 365 2014 was the idea of Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming.  Who are our wonderful hosts guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group.  If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at any time in the year and see what you can do!

You would think with my cold finally gone and out of here.  Minus a tiny bit of leftover congestion at times, that is easy enough to deal with.  But somehow I missed the last day of this week and the first day of the upcoming week.  Don’t ask me how or why.  I haven’t a clue.  I kicked myself when I realized it.  I don’t know where my head has been this last week.  

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 281 - Sleeping Roxy

Day 281 – Wednesday, October 8th – You are laying in bed relaxing to go to sleep when you realize oh no, you didn’t get a picture today.  Therefore, you quickly grab your phone before it becomes a new day and snap a photo of your baby snuggled up tight next to you.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 282 - Our Living Room

Day 282 – Thursday, October 9th – You have a prompt for a monthly challenge (that you have already failed now) to share a photo.  I get the amazing fun idea to pretend you are all coming over for a game night.  I took photos of the living rooms and the dining room.  This one wasn’t one I shared on the post, so thought it would be fun to include it here.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 283 - Jason at Buffalo Wild Wings

Day 283 – Friday, October 10th – We went out to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings after soccer on Friday.  I felt weird taking a photo cause the place was super crowded, but really wanted to get my shot for the day.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 284 - Roxy in her Butterfly costume

Day 284 – Saturday, October 11th – My beautiful girl came back from the groomer on this day and I had her model her butterfly costume so I could get photos.  

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 285 - Roxy in my Face

Day 285 – Sunday, October 12th – After getting ready for the day, I sat down on the floor to have Jason take a few shots of my hair for the System Hinoki 2 month check-in.  Roxy went nuts and was reaching up to give me kisses while having her paws on my chest.  I love this photo.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 286 - Homemade Stools

Day 286 – Monday, October 13th – My husband is kind of amazing, sometimes.  He made up these stools for the indoor soccer arena he plays at so that the people that go there can actually see the game while waiting to go in to play.

Day 287 – Tuesday, October 14th – I somehow completely blanked on taking a photo that day.  I’ll blame it on trying to get my RSS feed updating and functioning again.

Sharing is caring!