Fall is in the Air, Barely #blogboost

As I stated I planned to do the UltimateBlogChallenge; where I posted once a day with #blogboost every day in October.  I totally failed on getting any out this past weekend, I think weekends are going to be hard for me.  So instead I’ll call it a win if I can post every day of the week with it.  Saturday’s prompt was to post something that was associated with fours.  One mention was Four Seasons.  And since I didn’t care for today’s prompt, I decided to play off Saturdays, kind of, and post about what I like and don’t like about Fall. Fall is in the Air, kind of around here.

Fall is in the Air

I have to admit there is more I love about Fall then I dislike, so much like list will probably be much longer then my dislike list.  Honestly though, there is something I adore and hate about each and every season and am always ready for the next one by the time its time. I’ve stated time and time again that I am so glad I live somewhere where we do have four seasons.  

For the Love of Fall

  • That smell in the air.  There is a certain smell that just announces itself as Fall.  I am not sure what it is exactly.  Weather its just that slight chill in the air, or just overall freshness.  I can’t even name it besides announcing Fall is in the Air!!  I love that smell.  Does anyone else know what I am talking about?  Or am I completely nuts?
  • New Tv Season.  Anymore there is quite a bit new on Tv during the summer months.  But there is just something special about that Fall Tv season.  I admit freely I am a Tv addict.  Most likely because I am home all the time, so its one of my main sources of entertainment.  My two favorite shows I decided? Criminal Minds and The Middle.  I like many of them though, FYI.
  • That slight chill in the air.  I love being able to curl up under a blanket again, wear pants and be comfortable, and enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning even more because its cool in the morning.  Though I must admit right now – we have not experienced much of that Fall cool yet and I am so ready for it!  This coming Sunday is looking good for it.  *crossing fingers*
  • The leaves changing colors.  There is nothing like the leaves in their brilliant color with the sun shining on them in the nice cool crisp air.  We don’t get the vivid colors that some others of the country gets, but we do get a nice change even if small. Fall is in the Air - Two

Oh Fall I Loathe You

  • I really dislike how dark it gets early.  It always feels much later than it actually is in Fall.  By winter, I am pretty much used to it I think cause it didn’t feel as early or as weird.
  • Football season!  Ugh, I dread this time of year.  Football and more football. Enough.  I am not a sport fan, never have been never will be.  Jason watches football all the time during this time of year and drives me completely batty when there is so much good stuff to watch on our DVR, On Demand, Amazon, and Netflix.  

 Fall is in the Air - ThreeWhat about you?  What is something you love about Fall and what is something that you loathe about Fall?

Ultimate Blog Challenge

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