Finish This Week #40
Finish This wouldn’t be such a success without the following beautiful ladies: Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Arizona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama! Check them out and then play along!
I completely missed last week. After I got back from my Birthday Weekend Getaway I felt like I was only playing catch back up and felt like I never was going to actually catch back up. But alas I finally am and am feeling a bit more organized again and ready to take on my regular blogging segments again.
1. I can change the world by…
Honestly I don’t think anything I can do would change the world. Though the first thing that popped into my head is to say by smiling. That sounds so cheesy though, but I guess it has a ring of truth in it.
Also came to mind was my thoughtfulness. While it might not change the world, when I do random gifts, texts, thoughts to people I think it does change that persons day maybe even week. So there is that too.
2. The best career advice I ever received…
Find a way to do what you love and get paid for it. Hence blogging. Though I am a long way of making a solid living from it, I do believe I am getting there and learning as I go.
Put simply as I stated at the beginning find what you love and find a way to make money from it.
3. I first fell in love…
This is a hard one for me. I think the first person that I thought I loved may have actually been total lust and nothing else. It was all surface, no depth. I don’t think that could be called my first love, though it technically was.
Jason is the first and last person I truly deep heart through every fiber of my being loved. Head over heels in love with, couldn’t imagine my life without him in it type of love.
I’ll mention both and let you decide on the fact of which would be called my first “love”.