Finish This Week #40

Finish This wouldn’t be such a success without the following beautiful ladies:  Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Arizona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama!  Check them out and then play along!

I completely missed last week.  After I got back from my Birthday Weekend Getaway I felt like I was only playing catch back up and felt like I never was going to actually catch back up.  But alas I finally am and am feeling a bit more organized again and ready to take on my regular blogging segments again.  



1.  I can change the world by…
Honestly I don’t think anything I can do would change the world.  Though the first thing that popped into my head is to say by smiling.  That sounds so cheesy though, but I guess it has a ring of truth in it.  


Also came to mind was my thoughtfulness.  While it might not change the world, when I do random gifts, texts, thoughts to people I think it does change that persons day maybe even week.  So there is that too.

2.  The best career advice I ever received…
Find a way to do what you love and get paid for it.  Hence blogging.  Though I am a long way of making a solid living from it, I do believe I am getting there and learning as I go.  

Angie's Angle Domain

Put simply as I stated at the beginning find what you love and find a way to make money from it.

3.  I first fell in love…
This is a hard one for me.  I think the first person that I thought I loved may have actually been total lust and nothing else.  It was all surface, no depth.  I don’t think that could be called my first love, though it technically was.

Jason is the first and last person I truly deep heart through every fiber of my being loved. Head over heels in love with, couldn’t imagine my life without him in it type of love.  

Jason and I at Portland, Oregon Zoo Brew

I’ll mention both and let you decide on the fact of which would be called my first “love”.

Sharing is caring!