
Easy Way to Carry Your Firewood #logbag

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Cold weather season.  I get so excited at the first temperature drops because it means I can pull out my leggings and my sweatshirts and be comfy cozy.  It also means that I can cuddle under the blanket with Roxy and be comfortable.  Which tickles me pink.

That is until the temperature in the house starts to drop and stay in the low 60’s that I get pretty cranky.  See, we only heat with wood heat, nothing else.  We try to hold out for as long as we can before we start our first fire.

 I always am the first to say okay, enough, I need to be warm.  

After that starts the cycle and worry if we will have enough wood to heat us for the rest of the cold season.  The whole work of loading the wood from our shelter to our porch wood storage and in to put in our wood stove.  I was forever getting little slivers in me all over my upper body after carrying in the wood.

Which is why I, a few months ago, bought us a log carrier, which I thought was genius and made it so much easier to haul the wood from place to place. But, we only had one, and if both my husband and I were hauling wood, it made it not as nice.

Then I saw there was a chance to review another log carrier bag on Tomoson and I immediately signed up to, hopefully, review.  I was tickled pink when I was chosen.

Astor Canvas Log Carrier - In Use

Are you looking for an easy way to carry your firewood?  

The Astor Canvas Log Carrier is the answer.  

Astor Canvas Log Carrier - Enforced HandlesIt is so well-built.  The handles feel like they are enforced to make long-lasting use and easy to carry a heavy load without the worry that the handle will break on you.  It is also machine washable in cold water, which I thought was also a major score.

It is lined inside with PVC, so dirt and water can’t get through to ruin your inside floors, rugs and carpets.  

Opened it measures – 27″ x 12″ x 12″ and it folds up nicely at – 6″ x 4″ x 1″

Astor Canvas Log Carrier - Laying Flat

If you use wood heat like we do, you need this bag.  I am so glad that I ran across bags like this so that we can more easily carry our loads of wood without getting slivers and wood pieces everywhere in us.

You can buy it today on Amazon for $11.95 and free shipping if you are a prime member. The Astor Canvas Log Carrier will make it is easy to carry your firewood.

Astor Canvas Log Carrier - Front View

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