My Secret Cleaning Behavior
Spring Cleaning is well under way for many of us. My sister started last month and she is already all finished. I have gotten a few areas done, but there is still so much I want to do. I just can’t seem to get motivated. Which has been a problem since moving into this house, because no matter how much I clean, it still looks dirty and unclean because we are so in need of redoing and remodeling.
A few weeks ago my friend Rebekah suggested a post where I let you all into my secret cleaning behavior. I’m quite OCD when it comes to cleaning and organizing, but again has slacked some since moving into this house. I used to fully clean the house from top to bottom basically once a week, that has so fallen to the wayside and makes me kind of sad and angry.
I still have weird quirks, well what I think of has weird quirks, when it comes to cleaning. I can’t wait to hear yours after I share mine and maybe we’ll have some of the same.
My Secret Cleaning Behavior
- Tank of the Toilet – After hearing the horror stories of just how gross some of the tank of the toilets were in the apartments Jason goes into, it went on my list to keep super clean. I am anal about cleaning the front and back of the tank of the toilet and the handle itself. I’d hope that most everyone that cleans the toilet wipes down at least the handle. Adding on the toilet issues, I make sure to wipe down the base too well. Do you know how much pee can get down there? *shivers* I like to make my toilet sparkle.
- Top of the Fridge – now granted I don’t do this a lot, but anytime I am deep cleaning that is one of the first places I go. It can get so gross up there and most of don’t even think about it, but I get up on a chair or ladder and scrub that baby down. While doing that, of course, the fridge inside and outside gets deep cleaned and sparkly.
- Ceiling Fan – We don’t have one right now, but this was something in the apartment I got up and cleaned a lot. After all, it’s whipping around and flinging all that gunk off as it goes around. Gross!
- Light Switches – I go around regular and use a wipe to wipe down our light switches. Who knows what cooties are lingering on those babies. Wipe them and go.
- Under the Bed – so much gross under there. Again I don’t do this one as much as I should do or even want to do. Plus it’s all kind of hard to get unless you can move the bed to get it all, it takes some talent to get it all cleaned of the dust bunnies while not being able to move the bed.
- Top of the Soap Dispenser – As I am cleaning the bathroom/kitchen I always wipe down the top of the soap dispenser along with most everything else that sits on the counter or exposed shelf.
I am sure there are more, as I am kind of quirky and weird but those are the ones I can think of right now.
Now I want to hear some of yours! I know you have some, so spill!!