When You’re Feeling Not Good Enough
When you’re feeling not good enough…how do you combat that and be able to move forward and know your worth? Know you are here for a reason and that you should enjoy your life and stop feeling like your not good enough.
Lately, I have to admit I have felt like I am walking around in a gray little cloud that is raining down on me and I just can’t escape it. I want to pop out my pretty red umbrella and walk away from that little cloud, but it takes work to get out of the mindset when you’re feeling not good enough.
When You’re Feeling Not Good Enough…
as a blogger
I have felt not good enough as a blogger since the new year. With lack of creative thought, how can I be a blogger? I’m not a crafter, I am not the one that does the recipe making. What do I actually have to offer you or even myself as a real blogger? I need more evergreen content, but I am seriously lacking on knowing what to offer. I love doing recipes, but Jason has to be the one to help me with those and he doesn’t always have the time.
I can share my smoothies, but am unsure of what direction to go with that. I tried to take photos of the smoothie and smoothie making this last weekend and I just don’t think I have anything that actually turned out well enough to share for a post.
So I am totally not feeling good enough as a blogger. Though I love it.
as a wife
I feel like a total slacker here. I don’t cook. With me being home all the time, shouldn’t I be the one cooking? Yes. But I hate it. I have no want to be in the kitchen. I have no problems cleaning it up, doing everything else, but me with real food to cook and prep in my hands. No. Do I want to be someone who actually does okay in the kitchen? Sometimes.
I do the cleaning, the laundry, I even meal plan. But I still feel like I am not good enough.
as a friend
I’m usually the one that reaches out to friends. I still don’t feel I am good enough, though. I sometimes feel like I am in my own little bubble with that little gray cloud following me around and no one else exists. Do I make enough time for the little friends that I do have? Do I try enough to make new ones?
I just want to have that group of friends, but sometimes I don’t know if I am good enough for the little group I do have.
Ways to Ensure You ARE Good Enough….
- Say yes. Don’t be afraid to step out of your box and say yes to more things. You never know what yes might lead you to new experiences and not feeling like your stuck under your little gray cloud all the time. Be that little red umbrella and say YES. Do. Be more.
- Say no. In the same concept, don’t be afraid to say no. You can’t do and be all to everyone. You have to allow you to be you. You are the most important part of the equation. Don’t feel like you have to do everything and be everything to everyone. Want to stay in on a Friday? Say no and be comfy on the couch with your dog, wine, and Netflix. No shame. No guilt.
- Set goals. Having any goals will help you feel you have a purpose. It doesn’t even have to be a big goal. Say you want to read 15 minutes a day, do that. You’ll feel like hey I did it. Think small and grow big. A goal is a goal.
- Help others. Say you are a blogger like I am, go around and visit others blogs, share their posts to whatever social media account your prefer and comment. You are not only helping them but also yourself. Do a random act of kindness, buy the next person behind you in the line their item. Helping is an amazing feeling and surely makes you feel good enough.
What other ways can you think of to feel you are good enough?
I’m still wanting to feel good enough, but putting more thought and work in the above in no time I should be feeling that I am good enough. I am still wanting to set more goals than just my single word for the year but haven’t had the energy/thought to sit down and do that just yet. It’s still coming!