Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 #CatchtheMoment366

Are you new around here?  Curious what Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 is exactly?

Find out all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.

  • You do not have to have a blog to participate.
  • Take a picture a day.
  • You can start at any time.
  • Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
  • Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
  • Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
  • It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
  • Join the Facebook Group here.

Most weeks for me are fairly boring, but it’s still exciting for me to share with you all a single photo from the previous week and a bit of what my week looked like.  I look forward each week to seeing everyone else’s week with our link-up at the bottom.

This last week was again pretty quiet for me, I kept  meaning to sit down and schedule out some blog posts but it only happened once this last week and that is already live.  So this weekend I plan to actually do just that, schedule out some blog posts and get busy so I can have some new content in the upcoming weeks.  Here is hoping I can achieve it!

Otherwise, it was just your average week.  I took more pictures of Roxy because I felt the last couple weeks or so there just wasn’t enough of her cuteness to share.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 43 - Diet Coke Cans

Day 43 – Friday, February 12th – I was in the search for the special It’s Mine bottles for an upcoming blog post, hopefully anyway, all we found were these cans which weren’t exactly it either.  We have been in search of them for over a week now.  I’m getting frustrated.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 44 - After Dental Cleaning

Day 44 – Saturday, February 13th – Roxy had her dental cleaning on Saturday along with her compressive exam. It’s Mommy’s most dreaded appointment of the year with her getting all her blood test making sure she is healthy and well and having to be put under to get her teeth professionally clean.  This is her home after it while she was still very drowsy and out of it.  I always get her a new toy to give her after we get her home because I feel bad with how yucky she feels after.  Good news is she is super healthy and good!  yay!

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 45 - Shower Bouquet

Day 45 – Sunday, February 14th – I opened the bag of shower bouquets I received to review finally before I took a shower.  They are so pretty and different looking and see that slight lace edge, it actually helps exfoliate your skin as you wash.  Upcoming review!  

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 46 - Close Up Roxy

Day 46 – Monday, February 15th – So Fab had a challenge for Instagram for an up close shot and try to guess what it is.  Well, mine you can totally tell what it is, but it still is pretty cute I think.  Roxy was shooting her ball around, her favorite thing ever.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 47 - Current Book

Day 47 – Tuesday, February 16th – When it’s late at night and you haven’t gotten a picture yet today, you take a quick snapshot of your current book.  I just finished reading it this morning though, so it’s not really current now.  It was very enjoyable, though!

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 48 - Conversation Games

Day 48 – Wednesday, February 17th – I have an upcoming review & giveaway upcoming on this little guys.  I’ll be reviewing the party edition and giving away both of these for the prize!  It’s going live March 8th, so be on the watch.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 7 - Day 49 - Sleepy Roxy

Day 49 – Thursday, February 18th – Again when it’s late at night and you haven’t gotten your shot for the day yet.  You go to your favorite cutie ever and snap an up close and personal shot of her cute little face.

How was your week?

Now it’s your turn to link up those amazing fun pictures from the last week. I can’t wait to see them!

Sharing is caring!