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Currently – March

The third month of the year, March, has already found us.  Which means a new monthly Currently link up with Anne & Jenna.  With Currently, if you are new around here, you are giving 5 prompts to follow with what is currently happening your life.  It’s a fun link-up and I look forward to it each month.  Won’t you join us?  Without further ado, Currently – March coming up!

Currently – March


I’m wishing for vacation time, still.  It seems to be a regular theme for this link up when something is prompted and vacation is talked about.  We without a doubt need a real vacation away from everything though we are both feeling a bit less stressed and more comfortable.  Still, though, a vacation, please.  A week or so in a beach rental on the Oregon Coast if you, please!

Also wishing that my gosh darn hands weren’t always freezing cold, that would be lovely too.


A nice adult beverage in a bar or restaurant.  We haven’t been out in quite a while, which is good for the pocketbook but I find myself craving a nice cocktail like no other.  I am not sure why, but I feel it’s much-needed soon.  A nice long island iced tea, or a specialized drink that places to tend to have or Shanes surprise drinks that I love. Something.


In a couple of weeks up to Seattle to go with Jason to his team building work thing.  I am so looking forward to it.  It’ll be a nice little change of pace. And while I’ll be in the room for most of the time, at least, I won’t have to be away from Jason like last year for it and will be able to stay at the amazing looking Cedarbrook Lodge!  On our way back home we’ll be staying with Jason’s cousin too before heading back home, so that’ll be fun too.  I’m looking forward to going so much!


Pj’s.  It’s all I really want to wear lately.  Just let me stay in my comfy clothes all day every day please.  Nevermind, that I won’t personally ever go in my pj’s minus the mailbox on our fence.  Still with the chilly weather, it’s truly all I want to be wearing.  Anyone else?


To focus on one thing at a time and I tend to do better at what I am working on then trying to do fifty million things at once.  I think I am slowly learning that moving my focus on to one thing really does help achieve more than trying to do all and be all.  I still quite often have seven to eight windows open on my desktop, but still trying to mainly focus on one of those windows at a time.  Slowly learning I said!

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