Lost Potatoes Children’s Book

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I don’t normally feature children’s books on this blog because I don’t have kids, therefore, don’t have any real reason to showcase children’s book because it wouldn’t feel like “me” so much.  I couldn’t resist sharing this one, though, Lost Potatoes children’s book.

I was browsing Nextdoor one day, which for those that don’t know, is an online site where you can join your neighborhood and it links you with those in neighboring neighborhoods.  Anyway, I was browsing and saw this post saying that they had written a children’s book with art work showcasing areas of downtown Vancouver, WA.  My interest was piqued and I stated that I ran a blog and would be more than happy to review their book on my blog to gain them a bit more exposure.  

A month or so ago, we finally met up at a local cafe and she gave me a book to review and Jason and I got to chit-chat with her some.  It was a lovely little meeting, even though I was nervous as heck and just meeting them was a HUGE step for me.  Thank goodness for Jason being there with me.

Lost Potatoes Childrens Book - Author

Meet Laurie, the author of Lost Potatoes.

Now for a bit about the book Lost Potatoes Children’s Book.

Lost Potatoes Childrens Book

You first get introduced to Chip who loves potatoes and he is happily getting two potatoes to take home, but loses them and it’s all about his journey to find them again.

You’ll meet several characters along the way, all namely named after potato types.  My favorite is Mr. Scalloped!

Lost Potatoes Childrens Book - Potato Names

The illustrations are great and I enjoyed looking at them just as much as I enjoyed reading the book itself.  For those in the Vancouver, WA area or familiar with the area, you’ll find Kiggins Theater pictured just to name one.

Lost Potatoes Childrens Book - Kiggins Theater

Again a cute little tale of a deep love of potatoes and how Chip is desperate to find them again.  Your child will adore this book and I think you will too as you read it.  I totally giggled at the different twists on the names for potato types. So hopefully that is something you’ll find humorous as well.

You can buy it on Amazon now and help a local author out!

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