Showcasing Our Main Living Room

Awhile back I started a series called Our House and introduced you to our house and our front outside area.  I had good intentions of getting the rest of the house showcased in short order, but my mind had other ideas.  I knew I was going to be taking you room to room throughout our house as if you were just walking in the front door.  It took awhile though to get my mind working. And the living room cleaned up enough for me to take some photos to share with the post.

Today, I am excited to share with you all the main living room now and what we hope to do with it over time.

Showcasing Our Main Living Room

When you walk in the front door you are right in the main living room.  There is no foyer to welcome you.  Walk in that door and just make yourself at home.  At least that is how I feel, but it doesn’t always come across that way.


When you first walk in and turn slightly left you face the fireplace & Tv.  

Once we get surround sound speakers we’ll probably move those big speakers downstairs or get rid of them.  Which will allow a bit more room.  Ideally, I’d love to figure out another way to hold our entertainment items instead of that big tall thing that takes up room.  I’d love to put a loveseat where the chair is in front of the front window.

We have plans to resurface the fireplace, as it really needs it.  The floors need resurfacing (as you see that burnt mark over there by the fireplace).  Of course. over time at least one of the walls be painted a fun color at some point.  We just haven’t had any idea of what we’ll be painting it yet or if we’ll be doing one wall or several.



Roxy’s platform and her bed with her toys under it.  This will most likely stay here, but I do want to stain her platform to make it look a bit better than just plain wood.  Side note – don’t mind that a/c over there, it needs to go back up into the attic and just hasn’t ventured there yet.


Don’t look too closely into the dining room, please.  The table is a mess.  But I wanted to showcase the beautiful arch that no matter what we do will stay put.  


Back around to the couch.  I hate our couch, so please don’t mind it too much.  You see a peek of what we call the second living room.  I’ll be showing you all in my next Our House segment.  Once we get our sectional couch we’ll be moving that into there and making it one big room instead of feeling sectioned off.  

This is where you will find Roxy and I most days.  

That is the main living room for your viewing pleasure in this segment.  I can’t wait until we start doing things to the house, though. Am excited when we start doing things and can proudly show off the changes.

Sharing is caring!