Catch the Moment 366 Week 47 and 48 #CatchtheMoment366

Am not sure if you all noticed or not, but I didn’t post last weeks Catch the Moment.  Instead, I am combining the two weeks to give you Catch the Moment 366 Week 47 and 48.

I had missed quite a few days the first week 47 and missed some again on week 48, so decided it was worth it to just combine the two for this week.  My heart has been heavy, and I have been stressed and sad. Hence not getting photos sometimes these last two weeks.  Slowly I am starting to feel better though I am still worried and heavy-hearted, but with time it’ll just become the new normal.

A lot of these last two weeks of photos are pretty boring and average because of feeling the way I did.  I was lucky to get the one photo I did most of the days.  So hopefully there is one or two you like okay!

Catch the Moment 366 Week 47


Day 325 – Saturday, November 19th – The Patchwork game.  I am on a mission to find more just two player games for Jason and I.  Since our game nights rarely work out, its better to find games we can play just us.  I actually bought this for our anniversary back in June and we still haven’t played it.  There were hopes we would this night, but nope didn’t happen. *amazon associate link used, I’ll get a kickback if you use the above link to order*


Day 326 – Sunday, November 20th – Cleaned half of the kitchen to try and get my mind settled.  Felt good for a bit.


Day 327 – Monday, November 21st – My “ugly” sweater for Jason’s ugly sweater work party.  To me, it’s adorable, though, far from ugly.  Love that I can wear leggings with it and be all comfy at the same time.


Day 329 – Wednesday, November 23rd – Why yes this is our regular toothpaste.  There was a survey I was doing it and it asked for a photo of it.  Lucky it did since I got no other photos this day.


Day 330 – Thursday, November 24th – Thanksgiving day and all I got was the photo of the lovely cuddly kitty! It wasn’t the greatest day for me, hence this being the only photo I took.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 48


Day 332 – Saturday, November 26th – Not exactly how I saw the evening going, but it was a welcome reprieve from my worry head.  


Day 334 – Monday, November 28th – Was lucky enough to get an amazing campaign for Stella Cheese and Jason and I made up this super yummy dish.  It’s a creamy melted blue cheese with steaks bites and veggies to dip.  Check it out, here. Plus, I used my Speedlite for the first time since I bought it back in September and holy heck on the difference of quality in the photos.  I am excited to figure out more placement and backgrounds to improve my photos even more.  *amazon associate link used for the Speedlite, I’ll get a kickback if you order it through the provided link*


Day 335 – Tuesday, November 29th – Received this book, Victoria by Daisy Goodwin, from SheSpeaks and should have already been done with it.  But, I am having a really hard time reading things right now with the way my head is, so I am going so slow.  I am trying so hard to finish it. *amazon associate link used above, if you order through the link provided I’ll get a kickback for you doing so*


Day 336 – Wednesday, November 30th – Roxy says roar!


Day 337 – Thursday, December 1st – Went out for Debbie’s late birthday lunch and I saw these and liked them.  I had never seen longer slipper socks like these before and fell for them.  Took the photo to send to Jason.

How have your last couple weeks been?

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