2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 #CatchtheMoment365

On time for the 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 is going live on its normal day and that for me is a win lately. Gathering the photos from this last week the first word that came to mind was random.  It seems like a random mishmash of photos for the week.  Half took with my Nikon and half with my camera phone.  I need to get the majority of the photos on my Nikon though, that would be better.

I had missed a day of photos but I asked Jason and he ended up having one that worked.  So a full week of photos to get a little peek into our regular week.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 106 - Lilacs Blooming

Day 106 – Monday, April 16th – My lilacs are in full bloom.  Which means sadly, they’ll be gone just as quickly.  I haven’t even been able to smell them much this year now. Sad panda.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 107 - Jasons Pet Bunny at Work

Day 107 – Tuesday, April 17th – Jason’s photo for the week.  He had a sweet little bunny loving in an apartment he was doing work in. He said he was a super sweet bunny.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 108 - Roxy and Monkey

Day 108 – Wednesday, April 18th – Roxy with her babies and this window in her platform bed are going to melt my heart. Today was just a little monkey leaning while watching the world.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 109 - Salmon Creek Greenway Trail

Day 109 – Thursday, April 19th – I did something I rarely do. I had an errand to do and Roxy had to stay home because it was too warm for her to stay in the car.  I promised her I’d come back and we’d do something. Roxy and I took a little car adventure in Ruby the Kia Soul. This was one of our views on a little walk we took too. I rarely go on solo adventures, this was fun though.  Roxy and I both enjoyed it.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 110 - Songbird Cardinal

Day 110 – Friday, April 20th – I fell in love with these flowers at Fred Meyer.  I want them for our front flower beds.  They also state they attract hummingbirds.  Yes!

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 111 - Us to Listen to Nate Botsford

Day 111 – Saturday, April 21st – Jason and I waiting for Nate Botsford to start singing.  We went to a potluck concert thing for an upcoming artist.  It was to help support his next album. We ended up loving him so much. Instagram gives a little bit more of a backstory on how going to something like this was also huge for me. Once again using my word of the year, grow to the fullest.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 - Day 112 - Cleaned Porch

Day 112 – Sunday, April 22nd – Got the front porch cleaned up to actually be used for these warmer days. It actually needs to be completely rebuild, but for now, it’s useable.

How was your week?


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