2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 #CatchtheMoment365
On time for the 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16 is going live on its normal day and that for me is a win lately. Gathering the photos from this last week the first word that came to mind was random. It seems like a random mishmash of photos for the week. Half took with my Nikon and half with my camera phone. I need to get the majority of the photos on my Nikon though, that would be better.
I had missed a day of photos but I asked Jason and he ended up having one that worked. So a full week of photos to get a little peek into our regular week.
2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 16
Day 106 – Monday, April 16th – My lilacs are in full bloom. Which means sadly, they’ll be gone just as quickly. I haven’t even been able to smell them much this year now. Sad panda.
Day 107 – Tuesday, April 17th – Jason’s photo for the week. He had a sweet little bunny loving in an apartment he was doing work in. He said he was a super sweet bunny.
Day 108 – Wednesday, April 18th – Roxy with her babies and this window in her platform bed are going to melt my heart. Today was just a little monkey leaning while watching the world.
Day 109 – Thursday, April 19th – I did something I rarely do. I had an errand to do and Roxy had to stay home because it was too warm for her to stay in the car. I promised her I’d come back and we’d do something. Roxy and I took a little car adventure in Ruby the Kia Soul. This was one of our views on a little walk we took too. I rarely go on solo adventures, this was fun though. Roxy and I both enjoyed it.
Day 110 – Friday, April 20th – I fell in love with these flowers at Fred Meyer. I want them for our front flower beds. They also state they attract hummingbirds. Yes!
Day 111 – Saturday, April 21st – Jason and I waiting for Nate Botsford to start singing. We went to a potluck concert thing for an upcoming artist. It was to help support his next album. We ended up loving him so much. Instagram gives a little bit more of a backstory on how going to something like this was also huge for me. Once again using my word of the year, grow to the fullest.
Day 112 – Sunday, April 22nd – Got the front porch cleaned up to actually be used for these warmer days. It actually needs to be completely rebuild, but for now, it’s useable.
How was your week?