2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 19 #CatchtheMoment365
Am actually typing this up at soccer, I didn’t get up the gumption to get this typed up earlier while at home. Though, I did at least get the photos edited for 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 19. And sadly while gathering earlier today, I realized that I also forgot a day. Even asking Jason if he had one and nope. So we are a photo short but still, here we are. Because that is what counts, I think.
Once again this week, the best way to describe the photos is random. Random is what I seemed to do best and I am kicking myself that most are once again taken with my camera phone. Gosh, darn it! I will get better about taking more with my Nikon, it’s a goal of mine.
Without further ado, a little peek in our everyday week…
2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 19
Day 127 – Monday, May 7th – This pretty yellow rose was just asking for me to take its photo. I was sitting outside doing my favorite thing ever with a bit of front porch sitting in the morning while reading. Surprisingly this was taken with my camera phone and I am pretty darn happy with how it turned out.
Day 128 – Tuesday, May 8th – This right here is my kind of happiness. Sitting on the front porch in the mornings, just reading away. I look forward to this time of year each year just for this.
Day 129 – Wednesday, May 9th – I don’t let Roxy come into soccer often because one she isn’t supposed to and two she gets so squirrely wanting to go see everyone. Such a social little puppy. But I let her for Wednesday soccer and she was pretty content for once.
Day 130 – Thursday, May 10th – We went to Thai Orchid for some cash back from Swagbucks Local and had these yummy drinks too.
Day 132 – Saturday, May 12th – A little pretty flower growing in our backyard area. We spent a huge portion of this day working in our yard. Jason got the garden tilled and several other areas. And I got one of the patio like areas cleaned up.
Day 133 – Sunday, May 13th – After Jason got off work, we headed out to his sisters for mother days and birthday dinner. Renee’s birthday was the next day. This is Looper. He and I have quite the bond. When we lived with them for a year after we moved to Washington, whenever he would come into the house he’d be stuck by me like glue. He was taking in all the lovings he could while I was there.
How was your week?