2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 #CatchtheMoment365

Finally with 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 we found some Fall color.  Who knew it would be weeks later before all that fall color would decide to show itself around these parts.  This week’s photos found the fall colors popping their way in a couple different ways.  And otherwise, we have our normal mundane week to show you all.

Sometime in the future for these posts, we’ll have a week filled with fun and adventure instead of the normal mundane and only hints of adventure. Someday ya’ll, promise ya!

For now, though, a little peek in our everyday life.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 288 - Random Flower

Day 288 – Monday, October 15th – Happened to look out the back kitchen windows and spotted this lone rose.  We had taken out the bushes that were in this area to make progress for our deck we want here in the future.  This random rose decided though that wasn’t a good option and showed it’s beauty all single like.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 289 - Evening of Soccer

Day 289 – Tuesday, October 16th – Our longest nights at soccer.  Jason plays on two teams these nights and sometimes the games are spaced apart.  This night I agreed to have him sub a third game.  Tis’ a long evening at the arena, especially when you don’t take your laptop.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 290 - Feel Like I Live Here

Day 290 – Wednesday, October 17th – I live here now.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 291 - Roxys Princess Castle in Fall

Day 291 – Thursday, October 18th – Actually went out to take a picture of the amazing things the sky was doing but didn’t end up with a decent shot.  Instead, I looked over and noticed Roxy’s princess castle was showing some colors all its own.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 292 - Battleground Lake in Fall

Day 292 – Friday, October 19th – Someone posted in one of my facebook groups pictures of them at Battleground Lake and I knew that is where we had to go for a Friday adventure.  It did not disappoint in the least.  Plus, we’ll be doing a local Tuesday spotlight on it as well soon.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 293 - Sleepy Curled Roxy

Day 293 – Saturday, October 20th – A bad late night picture of our cute Roxy girl.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 - Day 294 - Progress on Wood Shed

Day 294 – Sunday, October 21st – Have been doing an Instagram October photo challenge and loving it.  Sunday’s prompt was the view from where I stand.  While this may look like a hot mess, it is, it is a work in progress.  Plus it looks better than it did there and around it because we worked on it Saturday.  I see though a place for our firewood and it’ll keep it nice and dry for our use once Jason figures out the top.  Hello, warmth!

How was your week?

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