We Found Adventure on the Long Beach Peninsula in the GMC Terrain: Part Two
When I started writing this story for how we found adventure on the Long Beach Peninsula in the GMC Terrain, I never imagined it would be so long I’d have to break it up. Realizing though the days were getting longer and there were plenty of photos that I wanted to share, breaking it up made perfect sense in the end. Today I am here to finish the story with adventure on the Long Beach Peninsula in the GMC Terrain: Part Two.
If you missed the first part of this story, you can find it here.
This is a partially sponsored post. Thanks to GMC for their loan of the 2019 GMC Terrain for this fun adventure. However, all thoughts and photos are 100% our own.

We Found Adventure on the Long Beach Peninsula in the GMC Terrain: Part Two
Second Adventure at Loomis Lake Park & Oysterville
We tried to find an area to walk again on Tuesday but the weather had other ideas on how our day would end up.
Stopping at Loomis Lake Park first, where we found a path to the beach and not much else. By the time we hit the beach, the wind and rain were having battles. We tried to let Roxy free run a bit and while she did, it was not the most enjoyable with the sand getting fling into her face and the rain hitting us all. Deciding to only make a small time here because of the weather.
Getting back into the GMC Terrain with its heated seats, thank god and driving around the peninsula a bit more. Nice and cozy while also being comfortable (those seats!) as we drove and looked at various houses. Landing ourselves back over at the historic Oysterville after driving down a lot of roads.
Was so excited to get back into Oysterville, even with it pouring buckets because my Nikon was working again. Thank you, Lord! Which meant I could get some real photos. First trying to just get them from the car and then opting on just getting out. Walking down the middle of the road to get shots of the beautiful gardens and old homes. I’ll just leave it to the photos to tell the story here because it does the real job.
Satisfying my love of history for the day and being chilly and wet. We decided to head back for the day. Once we were back, Roxy needed a bath from that windy sandy beach, she was not happy about this fact.
Playing some games after that and eating somewhat early. We decided after I cleaned up the dinner dishes, we’d chance a quick walk around Long Beach again. Staying dry for most of our walk but hitting a bit of downpour before we got back in for the evening.
Third Adventure and Last Finds Us At Beards Hollow
Packing up our cute little bungalow was bittersweet. We were not quite ready to end our adventure but knew also we had to get home and take care of other things. We were also thankful that we did have such a great time and we’re looking forward to one more little adventure before we made our way home.
After we loaded back up the GMC Terrain, we headed out towards Cape Disappointment. We didn’t know exactly what area of Cape Disappointment we wanted to take a little hike one but we knew that is where we were heading at least.
Stopping shortly after hitting the Cape Disappointment road because we saw a sign for Beards Hollow which we hadn’t explored before. Seeing a cute bridge crossing the pond totally pulled me in wanting to explore it more.
The weather started out a bit rainy but not awfully so. By the time though we and turned back around and hit the other path for a bit, it was perfect weather. So sad we were leaving as the weather was calling our name. We walked toward the beach again and this time when we let Roxy run free, she had a grand time and was able to run happily around for a while.
Happily, for this Momma too, who feared the sand mess, she had little on her. Thank you firm sand and no wind!
We decided to make our way to Astoria after leaving Beards Hallow because I was starving by this time. Yes, we were going to eat out for the very first time on this trip. Wahooo.
Took us a bit to figure out where we want to eat but landed at the Astoria Brewing Company. The views were amazing, and the food looked and tasted amazing. We will come back!
There we have the adventure on the Long Beach Peninsula: Part Two. Hopefully, you enjoyed our adventure as we did. Read below for a bit more about the 2019 GMC Terrain.
A Bit More Details about the 2019 GMC Terrain
Driving around the 2019 GMC Terrain was short-lived, come on give me a couple of weeks, maybe a month? Right? But it was a joy to play in. The seats, as I mentioned, were so comfortable. Equipped with heating seats and super great easy to adjust seats making it easy to get comfortable. And boy did we get comfortable.
Great get up and go and added adaptive cruise control. Add in the adaptive cruise control, which is a must in our eyes, for an extra package in the driver alert package 2.
While cargo space wasn’t quite what we were hoping for, it was still decently sized and as you could see in the first post, it is functioned well. There is also a little nook under the floor of the cargo space, which makes a great space for packing it up. We used it on our trip but didn’t think to get a photo of it. Silly me. The back seats also folded completely down for easy hauling. Which was a nice bonus.
Check that out up there, buttons as gear selections. Say what? What a unique way to get your controls.
Gas mileage on the GMC Terrain runs 26/30. We think we averaged around 28 though on our trip, so that was pretty great.
All in all, we truly loved getting to play in the 2019 GMC Terrain and have no real complaints about how it treated us in our time together. It sure helped us with some adventure, which is always our grand plan!
Stay tuned for our next adventure, hopefully sooner rather than later!