How to Get Summer Happy Feet
As I looked down at my chipped painted toenails in the shower the other night, an idea came to me. One, I really had to sit down soon and take off the old paint & put some new on. Two, why not get a post together giving what I normally do to give myself summer happy feet? Because honestly, right now my feet are anything but happy.
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I know lots of you out there enjoy a good pedicure. Mostly choosing to go out and get them done. For me though, the idea of people touching my feet isn’t something I am completely comfortable with. Nor do I see myself paying someone to do that. Which is why I do it at home and do it fairly well for the most part I think. It’s easy and relaxing to do it at home and most importantly saves money.
These are my steps when I get down to business to really caring for my feet and knowing I am going to expose them to the world at large. Care to learn a few my favorites and routine? Follow on ahead!
How to Get Summer Happy Feet
One – Remove Old Polish
It might seem silly to list this one. The first step is the most important though, you want a nice clean base with no lingering nail polish, no matter how little. I tend to get the cheapest nail polish remover. This is what I have gotten the last couple of times – Onyx.
Scrub. Scrub. Wipe. Wipe.
Two – Foot Soak
Time to soften up those feet and get them clean. Get yourself a foot wash bucket if you don’t already have one. This is a nice one – Mantello Foot Bucket. There is no need to get anything fancy unless you feel you need it and would get more use out of it.
Add into the water my favorite foot soak ever – Johnson & Johnson Foot Soap. I’ve tried other things to see if I like them more and I just don’t. I love the way this makes my feet feel. Soft and clean!
Three – Swipe Away the Rough
Now that your feet are nice and soft, it’s time to get rid of that rough. I have corns like that like to place themselves in the middle of my middle toe. Am not even sure why but they are so annoying. So this is an important step for me. And for most, it’s an important step for that stubborn heel.
Use a pumice stone, foot file, or even an electronic foot file (which actually works fairly well!).
Four – Cut and File Toenails
After you dry off your feet and savor that nice soft clean feeling. It’s time to cut your toenails to your liking and then file them. Personally, I like my toenails shorter than most everyone else. You do what you like though and get them all pretty and ready for the fun part.
Five – Paint Those Piggies!
It’s summer. Which means it’s time to drag out those fun, bold, and heck neon colors for your toes. Bright and happy is the idea.
First, though, always start with a base coat. The base and top coat at the end help the color last longer. Trust me on this. Orly Base Coat, Orly Top Coat, or Revlon Multi-Care Base & Top Coat.
These are some of my personal favorites:
Six – Lotion
After your nail polish has dried, it’s time to lotion up those feet. Now you can use your favorite normal lotion. Also though, you can use these made especially for the feet: O’Keeffe’s for Healthy Feet, Foot Repair Balm Earth, or Gold Bond Softening Foot Cream.
Lately, I have just been using Bag Balm on my feet and they have done wonders the last couple weeks. I feel like it’s my secret weapon, so sharing my little secret.
Slip on a pair of socks after applying so the lotion can really absorb into your feet!
And BAM, after that little pampering you should have summer happy feet!