2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 40

Gathering the photos for the 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 40, I thought for sure I had missed many days. Life, since we got home from our vacation, has been rough. Let me tell ya. Two different sicknesses have found me and both left me down for the count. The cold is the weirdest though, it is just a normal head cold yet I’ve been extra tired. Tired=stuff not happening.

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You can see/hear why I am happy to have only missed one day because boy oh boy!

As for the pictures you’ll be seeing for the week, not super exciting because hello sickness and low low energy. Ugh. But here we are to share…

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 40


Day 274 – Tuesday, October 1st – The day before I had my normal birthday lunch and shopping with Debbie. I was so excited to find jeans that actually fit me well at Ross. That was long enough and fit well in my butt and thighs. Sorry for the horrible picture but it was the only one I took all day, so it’s what you get.


Day 275 – Wednesday, October 2nd – Dentist appointment and high anxiety because of the dentist appointment left me with a headache. Along with just feeling super low. So it was time for a little time out for the day.


Day 276 – Thursday, October 3rd – Bought this amazing new light for our jigsaw puzzling and I think it’s going to be amazing. I wish I had a better place to leave it though but I’ll figure that out in time.


Day 277 – Friday, October 4th – These two cute squirrels were cracking me up. One would run up and kiss the other squirrel then push around him. They were running across the fence, then down and sniffing the ground down there. Then back up. I was giggling.


Day 278 – Saturday, October 5th – Just an overworked dog with her remote & Daddy’s work phone. Busy busy she says.


Day 280 – Monday, October 7th – This little girl is such a big cuddler in the cooler months.

How was your week? Hopefully better than mine!

Sharing is caring!