2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42
Another week but I am not here to tell you I only got six photos for the week because I got all seven baby. Yes, yes. So excited for this 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42 since I have all seven photos to share. So exciting after weeks of being sick and lacking photos. Now the photos are not super exciting, but they are all here. One day is a kind of cheat day but I counted it still.
It seems like these last few months of the year are jammed packed with stuff but hopefully, that means that I can be bringing you more stuff to the blog itself and this Catch the Moment 365 series.
Anyway, care to see what I captured for this last week?
2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 42
Day 288 – Tuesday, October 15th – Just a girl, her dog, her book, and her morning coffee all cuddled up with blankets. I love our morning routines and when it gets cool and Roxy wants to cuddle in the mornings. Plus I love the new mug that I found at Home Goods.
Day 289 – Wednesday, October 16th – This picture is HORRIBLE. I felt though it needed to be shared. I looked up at soccer and started to giggle because I saw this soccer ball shoved up into the vents. Haven’t a clue of how long it’s been up there or how exactly but it had to be taken a picture of and shared.
Day 290 – Thursday, October 17th – I spent a half-hour trying to load a video onto IGTV only to have it fail. I gave up for the afternoon after that and I was cold anyway.
Day 291 – Friday, October 18th – We went to Red Robin for dinner after venturing to Costco because we had gift cards and I have a 20% off to boot. However, didn’t love their food or service.
Day 292 – Saturday, October 19th – This is my favorite fall tree. Sadly, this photo doesn’t do it an ounce of justice. It’s especially bright and pretty when the sun is hitting it just right. I am hoping to get another shot of it properly before the leaves fall.
Day 293 – Sunday, October 20th – We were getting ready to play the 30th-anniversary edition of Scattergories and Roxy needed to play too.
Day 294 – Monday, October 21st – This was the kind of cheat day. It was actually Sunday before I went to sleep but it was Monday early morning. Doesn’t she just look adorable though, I swear she thinks she is a little human most of the time.
How was your week?