2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45

Another week quickly ended and I can’t wait to share a little bit of our week for 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45. While the week isn’t super exciting, I am super excited that I captured all seven days again. It’s been a while so it was a nice little win for me.

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Especially a win since I am still dealing with a cough and being tired. I am feeling better though and I think I am starting to improve. Hopefully, soon, I’ll have more energy back. I just want some more zip.

Now for some viewing of the last week of our life: a new dress (that I LOVE), jigsaw puzzles, a little work, a game, and a birthday is the bases. Won’t you take a look?

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 309 - New Dress

Day 309 – Tuesday, November 5th – This dress arrived from amazon and I am in love! It’s so soft and has pockets. If you are looking for a good long sleeve dress, then you gotta check this one out.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 310 - Blanket Season at Soccer

Day 310 – Wednesday, November 6th – It’s blanket season at indoor soccer. BBBRRR. Finished Bag of Bones by Stephen King shortly after this day. SO good, guys!

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 311 - Working

Day 311 – Thursday, November 7th – Finally getting some new work done. I want to get better at scheduling again. We’ll get there. This post went live Friday and we are loving it. Dear Santa.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 312 - The Years After You

Day 312 – Friday, November 8th – Finished this a few weeks back and enjoyed it. It was something I got free to review and it was a win for me. About love, loss, marriage, and even an affair but all very well crafted. Check out The Years After You by Emma Woolf.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 313 - Finished Puzzle Four

Day 313 – Saturday, November 9th – Finally finished puzzle four of five of the Ceaco Disney 5-in-1 puzzle set. That dark blue was dang hard!

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 314 - Pass the Pigs Big Pigs

Day 314 – Sunday, November 10th – Was a game night to play two of the games that are coming to the blog on November 22nd. We played Pass the Pigs Big Pigs and it’s fun!

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 315 - Free Birthday Beer at Tap Union Freehouse

Day 315 – Monday, November 11th – You know just enjoying the free Birthday beer at Tap Union Freehouse!

How was your week?

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