
Here are the Results of a Few of My Favorite Jigsaw Puzzles

Did you know that jigsaw puzzles are making a comeback? Being that I’ve always had a great love for jigsaw puzzles, it excites me. Jason and I almost always have a jigsaw going in the second living room. It’s a great way to relax yet work that head of ours. Being that it’s National Game and Puzzle Week and I promised you a week full of just that! Today I decided to share a few of my favorite jigsaw puzzles.

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Here are the Results of a Few of My Favorite Jigsaw Puzzles

Now normally we tend to do 1000 piece puzzles but personally I prefer doing 500 to 750 pieces. Those seem about the right size for me. We have at least one 2000 piece over in our puzzle stockpile that Jason said likely we’ll just try and do together.

In this little round-up, I am going to try and break it up for piece size and one area for a variety puzzle set that we tend to really like too.

I hope you found one or two to pull you in to get into jigsaw puzzling if you are not or if you already are if you find some new loves!

300 piece jigsaw puzzles

500 – 550 piece jigsaw puzzles

750 piece jigsaw puzzles

1000 piece jigsaw puzzles

Variety set of jigsaw puzzles

Now go forth and puzzle. You’ve seen a few of my favorite jigsaw puzzles that I’ve gathered but now it’s your turn. Share a few that you’ve enjoyed in the comments below, I’d love to see them!

Happy Puzzling!

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