2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50
This week for 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 had some major healing for me. I was trying my darndest to get rid of the rest of this congestion that had been bogging me down. Finally managed to kick a little butt on it and am feeling much more normal. Granted, it’s still there but not as horribly.
The last week of photos shows me trying to be mellow and getting little feisty outings.
Are you ready for Christmas? I am but it still doesn’t really feel like Christmas to me. It’s weird.
So keep scrolling and take a bit at the last week of photos and see how our week rolled out. And please remember to let me know in the comments below if you want me to keep Catch the Moment 365 around in 2020. So far it’s been yes but I’d love more input!
2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50

Day 344 – Tuesday, December 10th – Roxy was so cute. She was on the couch and Jason was on the floor. As you can tell. She reached to stand on this shoulder then turned to give him a bunch of kisses. It was quite the feat to stand like she was too.
Day 345 – Wednesday, December 11th – Jason had brought me this cook from his work and I had stuck into my coat pocket to have when I had my coffee at soccer. I forgot about it until way later and when I tried to open it once I found it again I couldn’t open it. But I just wanted the cookie and it didn’t want me.
Day 346 – Thursday, December 12th – My very favorite morning routine and life just isn’t the same if it doesn’t happen.
Day 347 – Friday, December 13th – The previous day I realized if I laid down for a couple of hours during the day my congestion would run out a bit. So today I did it again this time Roxy was all about laying on my chest. Such a sweetie.
Day 348 – Saturday, December 14th – We put on our ugly sweaters to head to the uptown Ugly Sweater Stroll but after one stop we instead ended up at Tap Union for dinner and a drink. Jason’s sweater from Ugly Christmas Sweaters (you can win one of your choosing, open until the 21st by visiting that link) just cracks me up from all angles. A horrible blurry picture and I am not sure why.
Day 349 – Sunday, December 15th – The curse of having small feet most regular socks don’t fit well. What is supposed to be the heel is way up at your ankle & if there is wording on it, it’s half-hidden. But they sure are cute socks!
Day 350 – Monday, December 16th – We had the pleasure to have a very short hosted stay at Getaway House at Mt. Adams. This was such a cute shot and was super pleased with it. Popped more once I edited it. I can’t wait to tell you all about our stay with Getaway House in the next month. Until then, watch my social media accounts for some glimpses and a special code.
How was your week?