Announcing my Word for the Year 2020
Having a word of the year seems to work well for me. I like having that word to craft my ideas around. A single word instead of resolutions seems to work well for me personally. And funny enough I laughed and rolled my eyes the first time I heard about this picking a word for your year but trust me it works and helps greatly. This blog post will explain a bit more my word for the year 2020.
If you follow me on social media, which hopefully you are, you already know my word base but not the reason behind it. Today I am going to be putting some clarity behind my word for 2020.
First, though, can you believe 2020 is already here? Like how does that happen so quickly? I am hoping that this year is a lot better built than last year, not that last year was horrible but it was rocky at times.
New year. Clean slate. The world is your oyster though, let’s dive in and see how my word will shape my year and in part yours too!
Announcing my Word for the Year 2020
My word for the year 2020 is more.
Funny enough I wasn’t even thinking about my word for this year when it came to me. It was during my stay-cation and I was putting something on the puzzle table or taking something off. Then this word made its way in my head and said hey this more word is your word. It’s what you want to shift your year around.
I rolled it through my mind a few times and yep it clicked fully. That was it. How much easier could it have gotten? I’ve never had something come to me like that before and I am thrilled that that one decided to wander into my life.
Now though, what does more entail to me? How will that shift my work and my personal world? I am excited to put forth the word for this year and make 2020 an amazing one not only for me but all you that read and follow me!
More For Blogging/Social Media
- More video. I hate video, hate it. Editing is a nightmare for me. Me being on the video gives me anxiety. I’ve been trying to do more video though already and this year I want to up that game a bit more.
- More personal stories. Last year totally sucked at getting a lot of personal stories up on the blog again. I want to bring more of that back. Give more personal feel to the blog and help give me more stories to tell. Hey, two “mores” in that one single statement.
- More pay. Hey, I am honest and upfront. I want to get paid for what I do. Putting my work in to get that payment. More pitches. While also gathering ideas to apply for more sponsored posts. More more more!
- More photos. I am pretty darn good at my photo game but I could be better. I am going to try my darndest not to miss a day for this year’s Catch the Moment 365. But if I miss, I miss. In addition, to Catch the Moment 365 series here on the blog, I am doing a monthly challenge over on Instagram so I can get daily posting there. Head on over there and follow and like/comment daily!
- More growth. See my followers increase and my engagement increase. I miss interaction so much. I need more of that and will try my hardest to make it happen.
- More Local Tuesday. By far, not counting travel, one of my favorite segments on the blog. Last year saw growth for this series and I am excited to keep growing it and see where it goes.
That is all I can think of at this point for the blog/social media realm of more. Because I am basing my year off a word though that can change and grow over the year while still using more as my base.
More for Personal
- More travel. Adding in a dash of more adventures. Throw in more hiking. While ending with a bit more camping. All that more could and can be tied into the blog as well. But it’s all something we can get pure enjoyment out of and build memories. Those are great building blocks.
- More games. We didn’t play many games last year. And we all know how much gaming brings me joy. Especially with others, so more gaming needs to happen. Which hopefully means a few more game nights!
- More laughter. Because laughter makes life much more enjoyable and even memorable. Don’t you all agree?
- More memories.
- More life in general.
I couldn’t be happier or more content to have had this word magically appear to me. My word for the year 2020 is going to shift me and this blog. I can’t wait to see and feel how it does that.
Do you pick words for the year? Or do you do resolutions? Goals? I want to hear all of them, whatever they are! Let’s encourage each other and help each other’s 2020 be an amazing one!