How to Give Yourself Grace During This Time

Let’s face, I don’t think 2020 has been kind to any of us. It started with such hope and has already seemed to have defeated most of us. But just because we feel defeated doesn’t mean we are or have to feel that way all the time. Trust me though, it’s okay to feel defeated sometimes too. But please remember to give yourself grace during this time.

The question I am sure you are asking is how do we do that? When we feel life just keeps running us to the ground?

Believe me, I feel like that a majority of the time and that is okay too.

These little tips are nothing special but may help you (like they have me). Together we can make it and together we’ll be better.

Give Yourself Grace - Social

How to Give Yourself Grace During This Time

Make a Weekly/Daily List

This one may seem silly to do since you don’t have a lot going on outside the home. Yet, make a daily or weekly list. Trust me, it makes you feel a bit more in control. Even if you just put enjoy a morning cup of coffee on it. Do it and cross it off, it’ll give you the good feelings you need. Heck, it’s Spring, make a to-do list to tackle all that spring cleaning you could be doing. Double that good-feeling when you cross it off. Try it. What do you have to lose?

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 29 - My Lists

The Okay to Be Happy

Yes, you are allowed to be happy right now too. I know it feels wrong to be happy, like you are not allowed to be while the whole world is feeling weird and off. But YES it’s okay to be happy. In fact, it’s very important that you are. Don’t squish those happy feelings, embrace them.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 18 - Day 124 - Roxy Laughing


Remember that you need downtime. You need to recharge your batteries from doing your job, caring for your kids, or just overall worry you have going on. Whatever it is, you need to do self-care. Need. Now self-care would look different for everyone. It’s whatever fills your bucket up. For me, I’ve been doing a lot of baths before my showers. You can check out my 100 Things You Can Do For Self-Care for some inspiration.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 26 - Day 179 - Bath Soak

The Okay to Be Sad

Don’t beat yourself on also feeling sad at times. Things are weird and not normal at all. Our routine is off. Our life is in an upheaval. And it’s okay to be sad. In fact, it’s probably one of the process through this. We are all sad at some point during this. It’s normal to feel that way and we also need to embrace it as well.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 34 - Day 237 - Pouty Puppy

Be Lazy

Right now, it’s perfectly okay to be lazy. Binge watch that tv series you’ve been wanting to watch. Lay around and read half of the day away if you want to. Pull out that video game you’ve been wanting to try out and never seem to have time for. This could be thrown into self-care but we’ll leave it as it’s own statement.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 69 - Lazy Sunday

The Okay to Be YOU

Above all the things you do to give yourself grace, is never ever stop being YOU. Don’t change. Don’t stop being funny. Don’t stop being what makes you, you. All this could make you want to change, to be more serious, to be funnier. But don’t. Just be who you are. Who you’ve been always. Don’t change, please. BE YOU.


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