
This is Week Three of Eating After Seven Check-In – The Latest

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This is week three of eating after seven with Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion and as I mentioned in the first week, I am all about finding my balance in eating while Jason is hoping some better blood sugar control.  Week two I gave you a little bit more insight into the book and why Joel Marion decided to write it and put it together.

Today I am going to be sharing how we are doing and feeling. 

I have to say before I dive into how we are feeling and doing though a few little bits. We are loving how easy it has been to follow this plan.  Since we already were eating after 7 pm, for the most part, it was easy to adjust with the easy to follow recipes.

One of our favorites was a super easy cheesy ground beef skillet.  It was easy to make, yet tasty and had the right balance of carbs and fiber to regulate Jason’s blood sugars.  And yes, it was filling!  Yum.

Cheesy Ground Beef Skillet

And one of the smoothies we’ve had on repeat for our evening snack. So good, it’s like candy to me, and yet it’s all healthy stuff. While we just had one of the desserts too and that was amazing! Such good and mostly very easy recipes. We are looking forward to trying more, there are a ton of recipes in this book.

Week Three of Eating After Seven - Social

Week Three of Eating After Seven Check-In

We are doing fairly well on this eating plan thus far. With the 14-day acceleration, we did it slightly longer for a couple of different reasons. So we are just now moving into the main phase, which means adding in super carbs for each of our meals.

While we are not 100% sure how much weight we have lost, we have both lost some. One day I was close to the 10lb mark, Jason we think about 6lb. This is all the way we are eating right now for us. We haven’t been working out, but we should be. And remember Jason can’t do the morning fast that is an important part of this eating plan too.

Overall, we are doing well. I think I find myself a little less hungry feeling. I still think I would want an afternoon snack vs. dessert or even the pre-bedtime snack. At times, I feel like I have too much food in the evening and skip things. Mostly the dessert portion but a few times the bedtime snack.

As for sleep? I do think I am getting a bit deeper sleep again. Which is heaven.

Also, my mind seems to be clearer – wheater that is the way we are eating or the boost of the new car I don’t know yet but either way, I am feeling better than I have for awhile.

Interesting enough…

“Scientists have established that consuming at least 20 grams of protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis for two to five hours after eating a meal. However, recent research also shows that protein synthesis drops to unexpectedly low levels during sleep, even if you eat ample protein during and after evening exercise. This has led researchers to speculate that this process may fall off during sleep if you don’t eat protein prior to bedtime.”

And while we all know I already have thyroid issues, this was an interesting tidbit that was stated in the book too.

“Avoiding carbohydrates and restricting calories later in the day can have an adverse effect on your thyroid hormones, which play a major role in metabolism. When the thyroid fails to secrete enough of the hormones that control metabolism, this can trigger symptoms like fatigue, depression, weight gain, thinning hair, and dry skin.”

Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks – While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.

Remember I have one more week to share with you all our results/feelings with the way we are eating. Don’t forget to come back next Tuesday for our last update for Healthy Tuesday with Eating After 7 PM. Week One and Two in case you want to take a peek now that you’ve read week three.

Any questions I could help answer?

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