2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 26
The last week didn’t go as I hoped. There was a major lack of motivation on my end and I am hopeful that next week will be a lot more productive. 2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 26 was full of reading and puppy cuddles. Honestly, I had hope to get this up yesterday so that I could stay off the computer Friday and Saturday to enjoy the weekend. Sadly, yesterday was a horrible no-good day.
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Which leaves me finally getting this up late Friday. I edited the photos earlier but needed to lay down since I was exhausted from only getting five-ish hours of sleep. Roxy spent yesterday at the vet all day and left me worrying and dazed at home. The day before she fell and jarred something or I don’t know. Which left her tender but okay. Yesterday morning though she woke up and wouldn’t use her hind legs for the most part. It took forever to find a vet that could see her today, but we finally did. Thankfully, all looked well – x-rays showed she may have arthritis in her spine. Otherwise, she came out healthy. Today she is doing much better and is walking around. She came home with three different meds for the next 7 days with a follow-up appointment next week. I am so thankful we already seeing improvement.
So that was my yesterday, where nothing got done and I was just a puddle.
Now shall we take a look at the last week of photos?
2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 26
Day 176 – Wednesday, June 24th – Heading home from our camping trip and found these giant stumps that someone cut down. Amazing, right?
Day 177 – Thursday, June 25th – So good to be back home and doing morning cuddles. Started the second book of this two-books in one set!
Day 178 – Friday, June 26th – Getting some morning snack time with our Old Mother Hubbard campaign. Yum Yum says Roxy!
Day 179 – Saturday, June 27th – Jason started building our own little free library and this is the finished (no stain or paint, etc yet) box for the books. So excited. It’s going to be BIG! I love it.
Day 180 – Sunday, June 28th – A little outtake look from my Instagram post for this day. She had turned her head to look at me so cute but then when I went to get a photo, she turned away. Wouldn’t look back at me at all like she had been, until Jason stood behind me. And we got the Instagram shot. Yeti tumblers are my to-go daily cup! I have five different ones in four different colors.
Day 181 – Monday, June 29th – First morning since vacation that we got some front porch sitting in and it was fabulous!
Day 182 – Tuesday, June 30th – Love new book reading mornings. I ended up winning this gem and didn’t even know until I received it in the mail! The Vacation by T.M. Logan.
How was your week?