
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 2

Oh boy, 2021 is already really weird to me, and we are barely in it. I hope the little hiccups I am feeling will even out soon and can start be more here. This 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 2 is a pretty boring picture week. Personally, I missed two photos; Jason was able to provide one, together, we still missed the other.

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One has to wonder if life will ever feel normal again. Will there be a time when my mind works as it should? Where I have the energy and mindset to post on here like I want to? I sure hope so. I am trying my hardest to get back into a groove here and am finding it difficult. Anyone else having issues in 2021?

Ready to see our boring week?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 2

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 2 - Day 8 - Sweet Baby Girl

Day 8 – Friday, January 8th – My sweet baby face girl. Don’t mind her dirty face; she was badly in need of a grooming. Thankfully, she has since had her grooming done. She looked way too cute cuddled in with me, so Jason had to take a photo to share with me.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 2 - Day 9 - Cuddles for Days

Day 9 – Saturday, January 9th – What can I say? We’ve been doing a lot of laying down on the couch and cuddling. She normally lays way up on my chest, but she was stretched out on my legs, this time looking cute.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 2 - Day 10 - Bath and Body Works Mists Favorite

Day 10 – Sunday, January 10th – I had to take a photo of my most used fragrance, and this was one of them. You are lucky they asked for me to take these; otherwise, I would have missed this day as well. I am obsessed with Bath & Body Works Mists. Anyone else?

2021Catch the Moment 365 Week 2 Day 11 Morning Cuddles

Day 11 – Monday, January 11th – I am sure you can all guess what time of day this was taken in. Yep, our regular morning routine. And last week has almost the same picture, but the book was on the other side of Roxy. Oops! True Betrayals by Nora Roberts was decent, not the best Nora Roberts I’ve read but good.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 2 - Day 12 - Squirrel Stare Down

Day 12 – Tuesday, January 12th – This cutie pie squirrel was staring at me sitting on the porch here. As soon as I zoomed in to take the photo, though, he turned his head like he was looking elsewhere in the house. Our little squirrels crack me up.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 2 - Day 14 - Jason Work Leak

Day 14 – Thursday, January 14th – The photo stolen from Jason’s phone for the week. He was tracking a leak, but still, it was pretty shot, don’t you agree?

How was your week?

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