
2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 6

The weeks go by in a blur of tiredness. Here I am still trying to finish up the other post I am working on, and here it’s already time for another Catch the Moment. Well, past time, this 2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 6 should have been up Monday or Tuesday. I honestly thought, though, oh, I’ll be able to get the other post up – no worries. Yet, I haven’t touched it. Someday soon, I’ll get my act back together; it’s just not this week.

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Lily is starting to be a little ham for the camera, and it’s the cutest thing. Sometimes she hams it up, sometimes she glares at it, and sometimes she is stoned face. It’s all up to her mood, of course. This week is mostly hamming it up. We also celebrated a special birthday for the Roxy puppy!

Ready to see a little peek in our last week?

2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 6

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 36 - Gosh Shes Cute

Day 36 – Saturday, February 5th – Gosh, it’s a good thing she is cute. She was nothing but a whiney mess this day, which you can not tell at all from this grinning photo: camera ham, one.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 37 - Starting to Sit

Day 37 – Sunday, February 6th – Lily is starting to sit up by herself. Happier girl this day. Camera ham, two.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 38 - Silly Lily

Day 38 – Monday, February 7th – Oh dear! She may not be full-on crawling, but she gets places. She found she had backed herself under the chair. Oh no. And was full-on screaming, but you’d think she was super pleased with herself.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 39 - CoSleeping Babe

Day 39 – Tuesday, February 8th – My sweet girl. She starts in her crib now for the night, but by the time we come to bed, she wakes up and won’t calm down until she is in bed with us.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 40 - Roxys 15th Birthday

Day 40 – Wednesday, February 9th – Our sweet Roxy girl turned 15. She, of course, got some gifts to enjoy.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 41 - Coloring App

Day 41 – Thursday, February 10th – Not an actual picture, but it’s what I had for this day. I downloaded a paint by number app for Swagbucks and ended up loving it. So pretty and relaxing. Not quite as good as regular coloring, but easier.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 42 - Tease Spring Walk

Day 42 – Friday, February 11th – We had a tease of a spring day, and it was lovely. I had to make sure to get out in it. Lily was looking everywhere but at the camera for our walk.

How was your week?

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