2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 18
You may or may not have been aware, but I missed two weeks of Catch the Moment 365. We had been sick, and Xfinity was down more than it was up. Which left me just deciding to skip these last two weeks and pick back up with this 2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 18
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The last week, we were still healing, so pictures are sparse. Plus, I missed one but honestly, two days of images, you’ll see what I mean when you scroll down. Otherwise, it was just a mellow week trying to regain some energy again. But I do wonder where the heck Spring is already? I need some good weather.
I had been hoping that I would have gotten another regular post up before I did this one, but it didn’t happen. Did you see my new post from Saturday? My fingers are still lost? – I’d love for you to hop on over and look at it.
Now a peek at our last week. Ready?
2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 18
Day 120 – Saturday, April 30th – We were so thankful that while Lily did get sick too, she bounced back really quickly. Thankfully, she was only ill for a couple of days and was already ready to move again. She was already trying to leave us.
Day 121 – Sunday, May 1st – Just looking outside, trying to figure out how to leave again. Similar puppy slippers like she has on can be found, here.
Day 122 – Monday, May 2nd – Just a little graphic I liked and shared on Instagram stories. See why I said I missed two days? This is the “fill-in” photo for the day.
Day 123 – Tuesday, May 3rd – Yes, we did get one nice day, and we took a walk to get food after Jason got home. Isn’t this tree the most pretty thing ever?
Day 125 – Thursday, May 5th – Thursdays are my bath days. Jason takes over Lily after he gets home, and I then take a relaxing bath and shower. It’s lovely. Bath time always means reading time, and this week I’ve been reading Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. We watched the movie several years back and enjoyed it – feeling the same about the book.
Day 126 – Friday, May 6th – Lily is just trying to look out while in her playpen with her toys. She is almost tall enough to see out on her own.
How was your week?