
2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 43

I’ve been sitting here staring at this blank screen for ages. I am just tired. Instead of trying to push this out, I probably should have just laid down. But here I am pushing through for this 2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 43. I know I’ll feel better and more productive if I do. Why am I so tired, you ask? Because Lily decided sleep/lying down wasn’t for her. She fought lying down until 2:30 am – which isn’t like her. Ugh, send help!

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Now for this last week. Lily has become utterly obsessed with the ladybug car she got for her birthday party, three full days of ladybug cuteness. And then just average daily things to fill the rest of the week with the obsession.

Ready to see the week? Keep scrolling, then. Happy to have you here!

2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 43

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 - Day 295 - Frankenstein

Day 295 – Saturday, October 22nd – I pulled Frankenstein by Mary W. Shelley off my shelf after finishing my other book with high hopes I could read it. I have a horrible time reading older written books. It’s not been my favorite to read thus far, but I’ll finish it. I am now on page 86. Have you read it before?

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 - Day 296 - My Love

Day 296 – Sunday, October 23rd – I took a Sunday afternoon nap, and this little cutie curled up tight with me and was all snuggly.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 - Day 297 - Obessed with her Ladybug Car

Day 297 – Monday, October 24th – Almost every morning this week, she’d pull her ladybug car out and pull it around while getting in and out.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 - Day 298 - Lily Getting in her Obession

Day 298 – Tuesday, October 25th – Lily discovered the cup holders in the back of her ladybug car. Note the snack cup. I know it’s so blurry, but I love how she gets into the car.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 - Day 300 - Another Day Another Car Shot

Day 299 – Wednesday, October 26th – The next morning was some morning milk. Lily was so proud of her findings.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 - Day 301 - Trying a Headstand Like Her Jo

Day 300 – Thursday, October 27th – Time for some trying of headstands like her bestie Jo.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 43 -Day 299 - Screenshot Makeup

Day 301 – Friday, October 28th – A screenshot for the “photo” of the day because it was all I had to share. A screenshot of an eyeshadow pallet to ask someone if they liked it.

How was your week?

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