
2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45

The Holidays are fast approaching, and we are trying our best to get ahead of it. We started Christmas shopping in September, I believe, but I am already behind, I feel. This 2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 starts with us out shopping for the Holidays and ends with Jason’s Birthday. Everything in between is filler.

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Slowly, very slowly, I feel like I am getting my feet back under me when it comes to working on this blog & my social outlets. With finally getting up the dual Celebration of Life in Idaho blog post up. And several social media posts, I feel I am finding my rhythm. So it’s with that hope that in the new year, it can be back more to my familiar feeling and posting (and jobs) for 2023. Cross your fingers for me.

Ready to see what I happened to capture for this last week? Scroll down, and your looks are appreciated!

2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 45 - Day 309 - Shopping Day

Day 309 – Friday, November 5th – We checked out Total Wine while Roxy got groomed. I loved Lily’s shirt, so I took this photo.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 45 - Day 310 - Cuddly Roxy

Day 310 – Sunday, November 6th – Just some Sunday cuddles with my little furry girl.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 45 - Day 311 - Still Trying to Read Frankenstein

Day 311 – Monday, November 7th – I am still trying to read Frankenstein. I am getting there but find it hard to want to read it.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 45 - Day 313 - Helping Dad With His Lunch

Day 313 – Wednesday, November 9th – Cheese ball girl helping Daddy eat his lunch while he was home on lunch break. She even ate salt & vinegar chips and loved them.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 45 - Day 314 - New Jacket Who Dis

Day 314 – Thursday, November 10th – I snagged this cute little jean jacket off Lily’s Amazon wish list because it dropped the price. I was a little worried it may not fit just yet, but while it is a bit big, it fits to wear now.

2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 45 - Day 315 - Daddys Birthday

Day 315 – Friday, November 11th – Daddy’s Birthday! I surprised him with gifts from others, so Lily wanted to help.

How was your week?

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