Healthy Tuesday – Matcha DNA Green Tea

I received a package of Matcha DNA free from Accelerated Intelligence to give my full and honest review on.  All thoughts and photos are completely my own.  I only recommend products that I truly liked, however I received it.

I am a big iced tea drinker.  It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, I have my iced tea jugs in the fridge. I almost always drink a glass of iced tea with dinner, its my thing.  I grew up around iced tea, which is probably why I am still so attached to it and enjoy it so.  Try and get me to drink hot tea though is like pulling teeth.  Whenever I am sick, Jason almost has to sit on me and force the liquid into my mouth.  I always hear the hot tea will help you feel better, drink!

I am awful.  I don’t know what it is about hot tea, but its never been my thing.  I am better at drinking it though then I was before, but again its just not my favorite and most of the time just would rather not drink it. Thankfully though there is no more having to get forced to drink the hot tea while I am sick.  Yes, it does indeed make me feel better quicker *grumble, grumble*.

Now here I have a Healthy Tuesday post about the ever lovely tea.

I am sure most of you have heard tidbits of the health benefits of green tea, but I’ll list a few that I found while looking to do this post.

Healthy Heart – green tea has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol.  While it helps prevent a wide range of heart-related issues from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure.

Weight Loss – it can help increase your metabolism so you can burn more calories from fat.  Studies also show that it can help keep off the weight once you have lost it.  Its a great swap for other sugary beverages (I make up green tea for iced tea each time I make black tea too).

Less Stress – sipping it helps you slow down and relax.  An amino acid called theanine provides a calming effect.

That is just the tip of the iceberg on many healthy benefits from just drinking some green tea.  Aim for at least 4 cups a day, two with caffeine and two without caffeine.

Now I come to the pretty great product I received to review.  It’s called Matcha DNA.

Matcha DNA is 100% Chinese tea.  It is certified organic.  Ultra high in antioxidant and EGCG. One glass of MatchaDNA™ may be the equivalent of 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content.

My husband tried the tea before I did.  He was feeling a bit under the weather so had a chance to try it and enjoyed it right away, until he got down to the bottom of the glass and had all this residue left over and that wasn’t quite as nice.  Otherwise, it was a great glass of tea.

I had a cup and have to say it was nice.  I did sweeten it with some honey, it states to sweeten as you like it.  I had the same reaction my husband did as I got down to the bottom of the glass and got all the leftover residue.  It was the only unpleasant part of the whole glass.

I absolutely love that it has the benefits of 10 glasses of green tea, in just one simple pouch.  It makes it easier to get your glasses of tea in this way and get all the benefits you would with the recommended of at least 4.  Especially helpful to me who still drags her feet to drink hot tea.

The taste is a bit thick, but not horrible at all.  To me its just a slightly thicker tea then your average green tea cup, but I don’t mind it at all.  Its smooth and especially yummy when I added in some honey.  I should have added in some lemon as well, but completely slipped my mind to do that as well.

Check out this short video all about Matcha DNA green tea!

It does state that you can use these tea pouches in various recipes.  I didn’t try any, just yet, but I am copying and pasting the smoothie one (after all this is Healthy Tuesday), it sounds great!

Matcha Smoothie
1/2 of banana 200ml of milk or soy milk 2g of honey (one tea spoon) 2g of Matcha (one tea spoon) 4-5 ice cubes Put all ingredients into a mixer and mix 1 minute.

Check out some others on their site – recipes.

Why not head over to Matcha DNA and buy yourself a bag so you can try it out yourself, I doubt you’ll be disappointed.  It’s also available on Amazon.

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