Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 41 #CatchtheMoment365
I am not sure why, but this last week I felt really lazy and just overall tired. I didn’t want to do a darn thing it felt like. All I wanted to do was read and watch amazon prime and netflix. I had a short attention span for other things.
And today I knew I wanted to clean, but I also wanted to get a post together for my Beauty Monday posting. I finally accomplished that but still was dragging my butt to get the cleaning done. I finally got it all done and it feels amazing, now here I sit all clean and comfy to put together this post. What a feeling!
Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 41
Day 282 – Thursday, October 8th – We went over to Target to shop for Roxy’s Halloween Bag and I saw earlier on Crowdtap that one of the missions was to take a photograph in store with the new plaid Listerine bottles, so I was all for grabbing that while we were there. Easy!
Day 283 – Friday, October 9th – Carrying on the Listerine plaid theme, one of the other missions was to dress in your best plaid inspired outfit. Ta Da! We also met up with Sky and Eileen at Cameo along with Alex and his girlfriend. That was a bit uncomfortable for me, but another time for that.
Day 284 – Saturday, October 10th – We did the photo shoot for How To Fill a Halloween Bag For Your Dog and I got some amazing fun pictures and Roxy was thrilled with her bag!
Day 285 – Sunday, October 11th – As a family we headed over to Debbies for Dylan’s 12th birthday party and Roxy was more than a little thrilled to get her some Sam time. Remember I wrote a story about Roxy and Sam’s relationship. I love Sam’s crazy eyes in this photo.
Day 286 – Monday, October 12th – This past weeks eating was a bit nuts, to say the least. Jason ended up working a bit late and didn’t feel like stopping at the store on his way home for peppers and onions to make the meatless chili. Instead, he said he’d grab something meatless on the way home. He did good. This is the Grateful Veggie from one of our favorite pizza places in town.
Day 287 – Tuesday, October 13th – One of those days when I didn’t think to get a photo until late so of course you get the beautiful Roxy face.
Day 288 – Wednesday, October 14th – I indulged in some amazing smelling Bath and Body Works candles and just went off the name since I ordered this set online and wow, amazing! Roxy loves this one and wants to eat it. It smells so great and I haven’t even lit it yet!
How was your week?