Catch the Moment 366 Week 5 #CatchtheMoment366
Here we have Catch the Moment 366 Week 5. Did you get this last week of photos? Are you just wanting to start with us?
What to say about this last week? I did well on my posting here and I had the full week scheduled by Monday, it was an amazing feeling. Now I have nothing scheduled for this week yet, yikes! Not a lot went on though. I’ve been super cold no matter what the temperature says it is in here and so tired. I am not sure if my thyroid is all off again or if it’s just the winter weather doing it, but I really need to not feel tired every single day. It sure makes me not accomplish as much as I would like or move as much as I would like.
I have been doing really well on reading other blogs posts and entering giveaways and keeping my email all cleared out. But that is about all I can say I did well at.
Remember you can join as at any time, it’s never too late to start taking a single photo each day and sharing it with us in some form.
If you’re new here, be sure to read all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.
- You do not have to have a blog to participate.
- Take a picture a day.
- You can start at any time.
- Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
- Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
- Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
- It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
- Join the Facebook Group here.
Catch the Moment 366 Week 5
Day 29 – Friday, January 29th – I was going to take my big girl camera to soccer but completely forgot so quickly snapped this one with my camera phone. It ended up mainly focusing on my pretty pink purse from What You Need In Your Purse.
Day 30 – Saturday, January 30th – Jason had gotten this small SPAM puzzle a couple Christmas’s ago, but we just hadn’t done it cause it was so tiny, but with us flying through our puzzles we decided to do this one next real quick. Jason and I both took our turns putting it together and this was from my turn at it. It’s now in the goodwill pile for others to enjoy!
Day 31 – Sunday, January 31st – I told Jason we need to clean today. Badly there is stuff everywhere and it just needs to go and I want a clean house already. Well instead, I went through and got rid of the majority of my keep books on the book shelf and this was the box of my old keep books. I dusted the bookshelf and reorganized all my books. That really wasn’t what I had in mind when I said we need to clean today.
Day 32 – Monday, February 1st – The next day I took the time to take a bit better pictures of the cleaned and reorganized bookshelf. These are my to be read books. There are nine shelves of them. It looks so nice. I had before my big hardbound books together and then regular paperback together – you get the idea. This time, I put them by authors and wow what a difference. I LOVE that I can easily find what I am looking for now just by finding the author and if I am wanting a certain type of book.
Day 33 – Tuesday, February 2nd – I made dinner in the slow cooker with the Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners I am testing from Crowdtap and this was the finished dinner. It was completely yummy. Honey Garlic Chicken.
Day 34 – Wednesday, February 3rd – I finally took my big girl camera to soccer and got a few shots. It seemed pretty dark for some reason so the pictures didn’t turn out great. I lightened this one up.
Day 35 – Thursday, February 4th – I was having Jason take some photos of me for some challenges on Crowdtap and he ended up with this one of the back of Roxy’s head and I thought it was cute, so here it is.
How was your week?
Now it’s your chance to link up with us and have some fun sharing your week in photos!