Things I Want to Accomplish in 2016

I keep telling you all on any post that I can that I still wanted to set forth things I want to accomplish in 2016, it was just the matter of getting my fingers clicking on the keyboard and set forth some thinking power to what I want to accomplish exactly in 2016.

Here I am finally, putting my fingers to the keyboard to set the goals in motion.

I already told you all that I wanted my word of the year to be Focus.  Focus on this blog, my family, my friends and just overall life more.  So with that word in my mind, let’s look at what the things I want to accomplish in 2016.

Things I Want to Accomplish in 2016

Things I Want to Accomplish in 2016


Grow My Social Media Accounts

Twitter – get at least 5,000 followers

Instagram – one of my favorite media outlets, get at least 3,000 followers

Facebook – also get at least 3,000 likes! 


Healthy Tuesday – get back into my Healthy Tuesday postings.  It was one of my favorite weekly segments and I kind of fell off the wagon on it.  With me bringing that back, maybe I’d also get back on the wagon more again.

Also just posting more in general, bringing more of “me” back into the blog itself.  I love that I have been pretty consistent with my All About Me Friday posts so far again this year, I want to keep that up.  Because I want this blog to be how I am and not just whatever a blog should be about.

Evergreen posts.  I need to figure out what more kind of evergreen posts I can do and do them.  I know I need more, I know.  It just getting the idea of what to do for them that would fit me and my blog.  I do love recipes, but I need Jason to help me with those, so they can only happen so often.

Supporting Fellow Bloggers

I had this goal last year and did fairly well for a time and then fell off the wagon.  *I am using wagon a lot in this post* So far this year I have done better again, but it needs to keep going the entire year.  I can do it and it’s so important to do.

Of course, I want to earn more this year again, but that kind of goes with all the above.

Get A Theme

I want to buy an actual theme for my blog and give it a complete facelift hopefully, that way I’ll have a better flow and load times.  Plus more of a “me” feel again.  


Get Out and Do Things

I want to go camping this year, it’s been far too long since we have gone and its way overtime to do so.  I also want to get more hiking routes back into our life because again it’s been too long.

I just want to get out and do more and not feel so strapped down with our jobs and house chores.  Just in general move more, do more, live.


That should probably say slash buy a car.  We are hopefully going to be buying a car this year cause ours is having issues and has since we got it really and with Jason’s truck also broke down, it’s time.  So here is hoping that it happens this year. Along with saving our pennies, of course, comes traveling and hopefully buying new living room furniture. 


I’d really like to finally paint like we have wanted to do forever.  Plus the porch without a doubt needs redone this spring, it’s horrible and scary at times.  There a million things in the house we should do, if we can get going on any of them though I’d call that a win!

I think that is it for the year, there might be more of the course of the months, but for now, I think that is where I want to leave it.

What kind of goals do you have for the year?

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