Weekly Confession – A Fun Link-Up
I’ve struggled this week with things to write about and the energy to actually sit down and type them out. So give those two together and you have nothing to show for the week, but I was reading along my blogs on bloglovin’ and ran across Courtney over at A+ Life and she was doing a weekly confessional. I thought perfect! Let me have it. Jess from The Newly has set up a new Thursday link-up called Confessional Thursday, you just gotta join in!
- I’ve been so tired and cold that it has left me very unmotivated for anything that involves than more than a few moments thought. I am wondering if my thyroid levels are off again, but I really don’t want to go in and get it tested already again. I sit there at soccer even and get so heavy-eyed watching, which is weird cause usually I am fine if I am out and about. I am hoping it’s just the weather and it’ll improve shortly.
- We’ve done awful on eating at home this last week. We had done so well on eating at home, not grabbing things while out. Not only were we doing it for our health but our pocketbook as well, but not this week. Nope. I am annoyed, but it is what it is and we can only go from here. And at least, they weren’t awful meals, so that is something.
- I woke up with an awful headache! I had fears it was going to turn into a migraine with how it was going, but thankfully it didn’t get that far. I’ve been going to take a bath though since early this afternoon (it’s now 5:30pm), but I have been waiting on the UPS guy to drop off the package we have come. My email says it was going to be here 1pm to 3:45pm. Nada yet, so now the bath has gotten shoved off and here I sit. I’m annoyed. I like to try to be here to get packages since we have had stolen packages around here on and off. The headache now has eased at least, but I still want that bath! I didn’t clean the tub for nothing!
- I get so scared on pitching companies for the blog, but you know the worst they can say is no or just ignore your email. The whole ignoring your email thing just recently happened, so it’s fresh!
- I’ve been in such a rut on thinking what to post on here lately. Which has also left me cranky. But I did, at least, write-up My Socially Awkward Nature and When You’re Feeling Not Good Enough, which I feel pretty good about.
These are my weekly confession, what are yours? I can’t wait to read them!a
edit: 5:55pm – UPS finally arrived.