Explaining Our Second Living Room
It’s been such a great time showing you all our house. It’s not perfect and it needs so much work. Jason and I have lived here for five years. Yet time and money haven’t been our side to get things done. Mind you, Jason lived here until he was 12, so to him, this house isn’t anything new. Today I’m showing you what I call our second living room.
Explaining Our Second Living Room
What I call our second living room at one time was a bedroom. Jason’s Dad took out the walls and added in the built-in bookshelves. He also added in the wood on the walls, which I am not a huge fan of because it darkens that room so much. I love the look but so dark at times.
When you first turn towards the second living room from the main living room you see the futon and right now our puzzle table. Having a table set up just for puzzles all the time is great. Though, I don’t know what we are going to do for our puzzle area once we move the main couch in here.
So don’t mind the big table in the middle of the room, it just works for us.
The big sectional we hope to get someday will go where the futon, bean bag(you can’t see it back there), table and chair are.
Don’t mind the buckets there, we were getting ready to go camping so had to bring them down to get what we need for our camping trip.
I am not sure as well what I’ll do with my bike once we make this area more of the main living room as well since it would be in the way.
My beautiful amazing built-in bookshelves. The bookshelf will stay pretty much as pictured here.
The other side of the room. Roxy’s chair that she likes to watch outside in and curl up on her pillow in.
Changes in here will include the floor being resurfaced and lighting fixtures updated. And as mentioned before the furniture will be updated.
In case you missed them: Our House, Front of the House, & Main Living Room.