2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 44 #CatchtheMoment365
It’s Tuesday and guess what? I am getting this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 44 up. Getting up the day I usually want to get up is just exciting stuff to me.
Not a lot happened this last week though and realized it was mostly the Roxy show. But happily, the majority of these photos are from my big girl camera. Score one for me! Halloween festivities happened along with it being the Roxy show.
At the end, you’ll find an extra content picture on an item I had to review. Originally I had planned to just stick in for a photo in the week of photos but completely forgot about it until later. So just an extra bonus for you all.
2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 44
Day 302 – Sunday, October 29th – Beautiful Roxy girl dressed as her brightly colored Fairy (I think). For the DogPaw Halloween party. I truly support DogPaw and love them. All they do for the dog parks and trying to save the dog parks with DogPaw events, but that party was poorly organized this go around. Roxy had a bit of fun running around though!
Day 303 – Monday, October 30th – Made a run to Costco and Debbie was nice enough to come in and do the run with me. Found this book in their book section and had to send a photo over to Jason to show him I wanted it for Christmas. Love local books! Plus add in hauntings and you got me pulled in.
Day 304 – Tuesday, October 31st – We might have waited until last minute to decorate but we got lots of compliments on our decorations this evening. Am kind of bummed we only had 33 kids but it’s not horrible and a little higher than our previous years.
Day 305 – Wednesday, November 1st – Was lucky enough to get into a freezer meal sharing from My Magazine Network for the Fred Meyer stores. We got lots of free frozen meals but this was by far my favorite. It tastes homemade and was just great.
Day 306 – Thursday, November 2nd – Just a girl and her Daddy playing some monkey. She goes up on just her back legs and Jason likes to call her t-rex when she does. I didn’t end up getting a clear image of her while she was doing it though, sadly.
Day 307 – Friday, November 3rd – Just a beautiful Roxy girl face.
Day 308 – Saturday, November 4th – We got a jalapeno plant when we planted our garden this summer. This jalapeno plant though is in a planter you can keep year around. So it’s sitting on our far kitchen counter. It’s growing loads of little peppers on this little stem.
How was your week?
Bonus Content – QiPillow
I received this product free for my review, however, all thoughts are 100% my own. Links below contain affiliate links where I may get a kickback if you order with it.
A long long time ago I applied for this back support pillow. Never thinking more of it and just recently ended up getting approved. I had originally going to do a big blog post review for it but since I don’t really do that on the blog anymore, I wanted to do just social shares. The company was fine with that but with the way the site is set up they couldn’t figure out how to change my tasks. So I stayed with having to do a blog post.
Thinking it would be easy enough to stick it into a weekly Catch the Moment 365 wrap up, I thought no biggie. But then, me being me, I kept forgetting to slip it in.
As someone who sits a lot on the couch, my lower back hurts quite a bit. I need to be better about getting up and stretching more. But this QiPillow is pretty amazing. You only slightly blow it up and place it behind your back. It gives you just that right amount of support. It’s quite great. Roxy and I both enjoy it.
Watch my social media for a bit more information on this QiPillow. You’ll love it. Order it today on Amazon, here.