2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 4 #CatchtheMoment365
Gathering these photos for this week and realizing not a single photo was taken with my big girl camera. What a big disappointment. But I did at least have all seven days of photos, even though I kind of cheated on one day with a “made” picture.
Roxy made almost every single photo this week. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise. Yet, it did with me, kind of. The end of the week found me with horrible back pain. Leaving me not feeling like moving around much. Bending in funky ways to make it ache less. It’s getting better thankfully. Not sure what happened.
Without further ado, this week’s photos.
2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 4
Day 22 – Monday, January 22nd – Roxy and I “smiling” at Monday bingo at The Thirsty Sasquatch. Sadly which likely will not be pet-friendly inside once they get their own food truck going. No more bingo for Roxy soon. She’ll be very sad, as we will. Smile was this weeks inspiration word.
Day 23 – Tuesday, January 23rd – Not exactly a picture. But one I made for the 52 Weeks of photo inspiration. Which I shared right away with the Catch the Moment 365 group & was able to finally get the full blog post up too.
Day 24 – Wednesday, January 24th – Am not sure right off-hand why I took this photo of Roxy. Why she was staring at me. But it was the only photo I took this day and look at her, she’s so cute.
Day 25 – Thursday, January 25th – Fresh and clean out of the bubble bath & shower. Roxy decided I may be good enough to eat whole.
Day 26 – Friday, January 26th – This right here is my happy place. I might not want to wake up in the mornings. But once I am able to have my coffee (I have to wait a half hour to an hour before I can eat or drink anything because of my thyroid med) and curl in with my current book. Complete and utter happiness. I might linger too long doing this. But it truly seems to help the rest of my day be more productive.
Day 27 – Saturday, January 27th – Since Jason crafted up this recipe for steak bites with melted blue cheese for the blog back in 2016, it has become a staple in our house. It’s so amazingly yummy. And it’s to be noted I do not like blue cheese, but give it to me melted and I love it.
Day 28 – Sunday, January 28th – My lower back was really acting up and so I shoved the ottoman over to get my centered on it. Roxy was confused why her ottoman wasn’t in the center of the couch anymore. But she made do by some major cuddles with Mommy. With her ball, of course.
How was your week?