2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 #CatchtheMoment365

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Happy New Year guys!  We have one more 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 to share, which includes the Holiday fun this week. While I was in limbo if I was going to keep going for this year, I decided that it would be weird for me not to do this.  Here I am still trucking on and will for the unseen future.

We didn’t do a whole lot for the Holiday season and a lot of relaxing and disconnecting was what was on the schedule!

Time to take one last peek at 2018…

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 358 - Sams Oh My Gosh Face

Day 358 – Monday, December 24th – We spent Christmas Eve having our family Christmas with the Rowe’s (Debbie and family).  Exchanging gifts and eating yummy food.  Ending the evening by playing a game of Relative Insanity.  I liked the game but didn’t love it.  This photo of Sam though was priceless and had to be the picture of the day! Sam & Roxy are normally the best friends, playing together until they are both pooped.  Something was off though and it hurt my heart and Roxy’s.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 359 - Roxy Opening Gifts

Day 359 – Tuesday, December 25th – Christmas was spent opening gifts in the morning, having an early dinner and exchanging gifts with Jason’s parents and sister, and ending the evening by having another dinner with our cousin Chelle.  Roxy though was all about opening gifts.  She didn’t even care if it was hers, she just wanted to open them.  Once we gave her the go-ahead, she was off opening them. This photo though, it’s actually one of her gifts.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 360 - Jigsaw Puzzle Christmas

Day 360 – Wednesday, December 26th – It was a jigsaw puzzle Christmas.  Jason got me all three owl puzzles in the middle there because I love colorful owls. The big 10 puzzles in one box we bought together at Tuesday Morning but it was a gift for me. The Disney and two of the Ravensburger puzzles I got us as family gifts from Santa. The other three were gifts from others.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 361 - Wayfair Sweetness

Day 361 – Thursday, December 27th – Got this sweet little surprise in the mail from being a Wayfair blogger.  How sweet is that?

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 362 - Puzzle Books

Day 362 – Friday, December 28th – This day was a completely relaxed lazy day and it was wonderful. Here I am working on my puzzle book with my dot-to-dot book Jason got me with a snack of good n’ plenty.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 363 - Second Christmas Puzzle

Day 363 – Saturday, December 29th – Finished the second Christmas jigsaw puzzle for the season.  Santa’s Express was much harder than the first Christmas puzzle we did.  It was still enjoyable though. 550 pieces by The Jigsaw Puzzle Factory, not greatly made but not horrible either.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 364 - Trying to Finish Book

Day 364 – Sunday, December 30th – Tried really hard to finish this book before the end of the New Year and fyi, I failed. Against All Odds by Danielle Steel was not a favorite at all.  It seemed the characters were just smooshed together and had no life of their own to follow.  It wasn’t that enjoyable to me and I gave it two out of five stars. Others enjoyed it much more than I see.  It has 4.5 stars on Amazon. Interesting.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 - Day 365 - Turkey Sleeping on Futon

Day 365 – Monday, December 31st – Happy New Year’s Eve.  Turkey came over the previous night for a sleepover and he was finding the perfect spot to get comfortable.

How were your Holidays?

Closing out 2018 with this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 52 – can’t wait to share with you all in the new year!

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