How I am Growing and You Can Too
It’s no secret around here that I am socially awkward. Being socially awkward and sometimes, I’ll admit, fearful of people in general. Running a blog and social outlet is the perfect thing for me, I can stay home and only interact with others in small batches. Yet, I am pushing myself and making myself grow and be around those people.
Part of how I am growing is just doing and being there, even if I don’t interact fully while out, I am still there making my face known and trying to grow and expand. Ever thankful for Jason, as he is my other half and helps ease me in social situations.

Because this last week has had so much social interaction for me, putting myself out there as Angie’s Angle. I thought it would be fun and maybe informative for you all to say how I am making myself grow and you can too!
How I am Growing and You Can To
Ask For What You Want
Being brave and asking for what you are wanting is the first step in growing. You are likely to get a lot of no’s but in my line of thinking, you need those no’s to get those yeses. Without asking, you’d never get those yes wins. So ask! Yes, those no’s hurt, especially hearing them over and over again. Just keep plugging on though and keeping asking, those yeses will come.
Find Local Groups
Jenny (Mom Life in the PNW) and I started a facebook group for those blogger and influencers actually in the Vancouver area. So we are not grouped into Portland bloggers and can find even more local connections. It’s slowly growing and I love seeing that growth.
I also started a facebook group for those in the general Pacific Northwest area. The idea being that we can all connect, help each other grow, get to know one another, and reach out if we have opportunities for others in the area.
Truly loving how these two groups are growing.
Connect with others on social channels by searching hashtags and places. Don’t be afraid to follow, like, comment!
Attend Events
Run across an event that interest you and could help get your name out there? Attend it, just do it. Even if you are not as talkative as one could probably be at these type of events. Go and try. You never know who or what you might run across by putting yourself out there.
Helping plan a private media event for UnderBar (Local Tuesday spotlight coming soon), was such a thrilling thing to me. While I was nervous to actually attend, I had Jason along and so all was well. It was a relaxing and fun evening. Could I have gone out and mingled more? You bet but still steps in the right direction are still steps.
Yesterday, Thursday, we attended a media/industry event for the new Maryhill Winery opening on the new waterfront of Vancouver. Was I completely out of my element? YES. But I did it and it was fun.
So just attend.
I want Angie’s Angle to be “known” to be “seen”. And yes, I actually want to make a decent living from all this. All I can keep doing is plugging on and trying different ways to do all that. I am still fearful and often don’t have a clue of what I am doing but I am still trying. Expanding, growing, and moving.
Over here growing and you can too!