2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 28
Doing a bit of a happy dance for this 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 28. Why do you ask? Because I once again won it for the week with all seven days to photos to show for it.
Now, are the pictures super exciting? Nope, of course not. They are all here though and mainly dedicated to the dogs in my world.
You’ll see, just keep scrolling for the week of photos.
2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 28

Day 190 – Tuesday, July 9th – Franklin is the baby of one of our soccer friends, you met him last week. During soccer, I got full-on puppy cuddles for the full game and this adorable photo. I edited it and it really brought out his color and I am in love.
Day 191 – Wednesday, July 10th – Turkey came over late for a sleepover the next few days. Roxy isn’t ever sure about sharing her home with this big lug, but they do well together.
Day 192 – Thursday, July 11th – Little and big almost touching noses while we do our morning front porch sitting.
Day 193 – Friday, July 12th – There was a series of 5 to 6 fireworks set off and both dogs jumped. Turkey though, the big baby that he is, was freaked out for hours after. He was, before this, shoved against my legs in the kitchen while I filled our water jugs and filled our ice trays. When I sat down for a moment, he quickly shoved himself into my lap and wouldn’t move.
Day 194 – Saturday, July 13th – A little bath soak and my current book were on the agenda this Sunday.
Day 195 – Sunday, July 14th – Turkey getting some playtime in with Jason. He was sliding on the floor as Jason pulled. Super cute.
Day 196 – Monday, July 15th – We did a Portland Costco run after Jason got home from work so opted for dinner from our favorite Thai truck in Vancouver.
How was your week?