Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day This Year
With Valentines Day right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to gather some “date” ideas for you all that you may not have thought of. Things that don’t cost a lot and you can stay home and do if you so choose. Just because we’ll be staying home doesn’t mean that it can’t be special or connecting for couples. Time to scroll down to ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year!
Plus, the nice things about this list, you can use it for any date night, not just Valentine’s Day. How great is that!
Do you need some special couple time? Stuck for new ideas? Hopefully, a few of these ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day will be new to you, and they sound doable to you.
Ways to Celebrate Valentines Day This Year
- Do a jigsaw puzzle together. It might seem odd, but it’s a great way to bond and have some relaxing fun together. I have a great list of where you can buy jigsaw puzzles than your normal average places.
- Have a game night. Not rocket science, but not everyone thinks about doing these at home with just the two of you. I have some fun ideas on my game section if you are stuck for ideas. Or ask me, and I can try to supply you with a couple of ideas for good two-person games.
- Give each other a massage. But not any simple massage, make it special. Add in candles, massage oil (bonus points for a nice calming scent), and soft music in the background.
- Facial mask time. Take some time together and put a facial mask on each other. Relax with each other as it dries with a nice glass of wine and chit chat.
- Indoor picnic. Or if you have nice weather, sit outside on the porch or throw a blanket in the grass for that full picnic effect.
more ideas…
- Go for a hike or two. It doesn’t have to be some big huge hike. Look around your city and see a new place to explore for a day. I can bet there are a ton of places you haven’t even found yet right in your own town.
- Go for a drive together. But the secret is to have no real destination in mind. Just go. See where you land as you drive and explore.
- Book an overnight getaway. It doesn’t even have to be out of your own town either. Just book a place and go. The change of pace will be so good, and you’ll connect on different levels than just staying home.
- Do a photoshoot. This one could be loads of fun. Set up a tripod and shoot. Change clothes, change positions, and most of all, go for it. It could be some great shots, it could be some bad shots, but I bet you’d both have lots of fun and pictures to prove it.
- Be a kid for a bit. Go to a playground and play together. Play some tag. Play hide and seek. Think like a kid, play like a kid and I bet you’ll giggle for hours.
Those are just a few of my ideas. Remember to think small and you’ll likely get big results. No reason you have to go big for those big points, small little moments are some of the best and the most memorable. Not saying you can’t go big, of course you can, but small is just as grand.
Do you have any ideas you’d love to add? I’d love to hear them and I am sure others would too!