Mop and Broom Organizer
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Mop and Broom Organizer – Making Organizing Easy #mopbroom

I’m an organizer.  I like things in their place and a certain place for everything.  To me, it just looks better and it’s easier to find what you want or need each time. Looking at our house right now though you’d never guess that.  Our house is a hot mess.  There is a washer and…

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 205 - KnockerBall at Salmon Creek Indoor Soccer

Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 30 #CatchtheMoment365

I can’t believe there is really only a month left of Summer.  Yes on the calendar there is more than that, officially, but really we all know we feel like summer ends Labor Day weekend.  Just like we think that summer starts Memorial Weekend.  And August is going to be super busy and the first…