Building the Blog Back Up Makes Me Fearful -Here’s Why
Angie’s Angle, in general, has been so quiet the last couple of years. I say Angie’s Angle in general because of including this blog and my social media channels. All those are still a part of Angie’s Angle and what I do for a living. While I tried to get my feet back under me and get back into my work last year, I don’t feel like that happened. However, I did feel like I tried at points. But the truth is I am terrified of building the blog back up.
Now you might be asking yourself why you would be terrified of building the blog back up. Well, that is why I am here today. I figured one of the best ways to kick myself out for 2023 is to open up about why I am quiet and how I want to move forward.
Why Building the Blog Back, Up Makes Me Fearful
I feel like the blogging world, in general, has changed so much over the last couple of years. Who knew when the pandemic started that it would change how people consumed things and companies approached getting the word out?
In 2018, I felt like I was starting to find my footing. I was growing; I was getting seen more. 2019 was a step up from that, and I was getting sponsored work; I was seeking out and finding more Local Tuesdays to feature. Even 2020 started great with a beautiful visit to Line & Lure Seafood Kitchen at Ilani. Then the world fell out under us.
2020 was rocky…
Jason got truly sick the early morning after we visited Line & Lure. Nothing at all to do with Line & Lure; we believe now he had COVID before they found it had already started blowing up around us, and they hadn’t connected the dots. He awoke with serve back pain which just moved around and changed what it was doing to him. It took him weeks to feel 100%, and he had briefly lost his taste, which he doesn’t recall, but I do.
And the world wholly shut down after that. With everything closed & people being told to stay home, my Line & Lure post got held off until months later. Sponsored posts, in general, were all pretty much told not to post for now. Companies scrabbled over what they should do. This was all uncharted territory.
At the end of 2020, I scored a sponsored stay with The Ocean Lodge & a test drive with the GMC Sierra. All for Jason’s big 50th Birthday and a surprise to him. We also got the chance to see some Christmas Lights in the Chevy Bolt. However, I felt very off and unwell and never got to do that car justice. I was tired and felt like my period would start without ever showing up. All month long in December.
Little did I know, Miss Lily was starting her journey to us.
2021 was life-changing…
Finding out I was pregnant in 2021 was flooring. I was scared to death. It got a little less scary and more exciting when we started telling people. Being pregnant and tired, I didn’t get much blog work this year. I feel like I got a few things out, though, and I didn’t feel lost in my blogger’s life.
Life, though, had other things to throw at me in 2021. My Mom suddenly passed away when I was seven months pregnant—trying to get her estate in order while being a state away—gearing up for Lily’s arrival. It was all a lot. Lily quickly made her way into the world in August. And life would never be the same.
2021 was filled with trying to get rest and trying to take care of Lily while trying to find bits of time to get some work done. And making many trips to Idaho that would continue for the following year. Life was busy and overwhelming.
2022 was a step up…
This last year was better; I must say that right off hand. Life-wise, it was better; blog-wise, it was much worse. Work didn’t happen. Companies didn’t want me anymore because I hadn’t been around as much the last couple of years.
The start of the year found Jason’s truck broken into and several hundred dollars of tools stolen. We only had compressive on the truck because it was old and unused. So all the damage and stolen tools were on us. We haven’t replaced many of the tools he had taken. Kick us later with his truck getting completely stolen in July. It was recovered a week later but wasn’t worth retrieving from the tow yard, so we gave it to the tow company.
We made many trips over to Idaho. Celebrated Lily turning one twice. Made a trip down to California to have Lily meet her Great-Grandma. I tried to work but failed.
Sponsored Work Has Changed
All that brings me to one of the reasons I am afraid of building the blog back up. The sponsored world has changed for us bloggers. I don’t know that I can understand the changes. There seem to be a million more “influencers” around since the pandemic. As a result, actual blog work doesn’t seem as relevant.
I love my social channels and spend a lot of time with them. I value getting sponsored work with them. But my blog is my baby. I pay actual money to keep this blog running. While also spending money for specific plug in’s to bring you better work and save me time. It all takes time and effort to try and think of blog posts to bring you all.
Let’s not forget time doesn’t seem to be on my side. I have an active toddler who is always on the go unless she sleeps. ALWAYS on the move. I only want to let down my guard playing a game or reading when she sleeps. Doing actual work is the last thing I want to do, usually when she sleeps.
I pitched a lot this last year but can’t seem to get sponsored work. It is shocking and makes me feel like I am not good enough. There have been years of work under my belt to show. Yet I get a lot of no’s. I feel let down each time someone tells me no.
What to do?
I know I have to put blog posts out to get work again. But I also feel like I could get regular posts up if I could get sponsored work again. I’d feel like I am doing this for nothing. I would feel like I am worth something. It’s a weird yin & yang. I need blog work to feel valued, but companies don’t want me unless I post and have views regularly.
I want to work. Feeling valued again is needed. Time, companies, influencers, and ideas are all the areas that are giving me pause on the whole building of the blog back up. The heart is there. The want. The need. All of it. How do I get there, though?