Monday Wishes

Monday Wishes

I decided since I didn’t have anything for Beauty Monday, that I’d start-up a Monday Wishes.  I’ll throw this in here and there when I have a few wishes I’d like to get off my chest.  I had an idea about doing a link-up for it, is anyone interested in a link-up for Monday Wishes?…

Purex Crystals ScentSplash - Stinky Clothes

Freshen Your Clothes with Purex Crystals ScentSplash #purexcrystals #giveaway ends 4/30/15

Our laundry can be pretty stinky.  Especially if we have sweated in them.  No one wants to have stinky laundry.  Which is why there have been so many new ways to freshen your laundry right in the wash.  Adding in a light scent to keep your clothes fresh for longer periods of time. With Jason…

Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo
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Quick Way to Get Hair Clean with Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo #BeautyMonday

I don’t wash my hair every day, sometimes I don’t wash it every other day.  I know, you can gasp now and look at me in disgust.   With my naturally curly hair, the only way I can tame it is to pull it back in a low ponytail after washing, let dry overnight and then…


Mother’s Day Giveaway #giveaway ends 5/10 #MDG0415

This post includes affiliate links and if clicked on and a purchase made I may receive a small commission.   WELCOME TO THE MOTHER’S DAY GIVEAWAY Let’s make Mom happy with all these great prizes! OVER $1,000 IN PRIZES!!! Hosted by: Michigan Saving and More Thanks To The Special Co Hosts! Co Hosted By: Deliciously…